ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    01 April 2013, Volume 39 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    Research and Application of the Decision-making Expert System (DMES)of Sports Events’ Bidding
    XIAO Yi, Zhang Lin
    2013, 39 (4):  1-13. 
    Abstract ( 656 )   PDF (1893KB) ( 1732 )   Save
    From the perspective of decision making expert system theory, the paper researches the decision-making index system of sports events’ bidding. Production knowledge representation method is adopted to construct and implement the knowledge and rule database of sports competition bidding and decision-making based on the SQL Server of RDBM. Using the software engineering method, DMES is designed and developed based on production rule reasoning sporting events’ bidding and decision expert system, and is applied to the bidding of the Shanghai Tennis Masters Cup in order to test the designed functions and decision-making process of the system, which will provide references for the system to be applied to the bidding of other sports competitions. The system provides scientific basis for the government or enterprises in their bidding for sports competitions with reduced subjectivity and more scientific nature.
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    Characteristics of Justice Sports Competitions——a comparison with distribution justice
    ZHONG Hui , YAN Qing-shan
    2013, 39 (4):  14-18. 
    Abstract ( 664 )   PDF (407KB) ( 1627 )   Save
    Sports competition system is a social system, so its justice is also considered as a social justice. The paper quotes Rawls’ s social distributive justice theory to analyze the justice process in sports competitions. Rawls’s theory illustrates two justice principles - freedom of equality principle and difference principle. Sports competition system is different from social distribution system. It is a typical game or the game system with the preferences to risks. Sports competition system must emphasize competitive excellence with pursuing and achieving excellence as the primary goal of sports justice. The embodiment of this kind of justice in the differences principle is the "maximized" rules with the its service principle as "excellence". This paper reveals that sport is a kind of technical justice with quantifiable features. Based on the above, this paper attempts to clarify that Rawls's theory of justice can only serve as the general justice principle of social system, and does not apply to special social system.
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    Body Politics in Modern Chinese Sports Culture
    ZHNG Da-Zhi
    2013, 39 (4):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 728 )   PDF (490KB) ( 1935 )   Save
    In modern times, the body is entrusted with different social missions in different historical periods. With the intervention of political factors, the body is constantly generating meaning, the reflection of which is the creation of sports culture by means of the body politics. As the the carrier of sports, body movements inject great possibilities into sports value and meaning. Throughout most of China's modern sports history, body politics has enabled sports culture to experience different periods characterized by eliminating the title of “sick man of East Asia” , promoting production as the means and realizing the national fitness program, which constitutes the sports practice in different periods and ultimately influences the formation of people’s different sports values.
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    Analysis of the Knowledge Mapping of Three Authoritative IntegratedSports Science Journals of China, U.S. and UK
    WANG Qi',HUANG Han-sheng
    2013, 39 (4):  25-32. 
    Abstract ( 679 )   PDF (1964KB) ( 1780 )   Save
    Depending on word frequency analysis, co-word analysis, social network analysis and scientific knowledge mapping, the paper selects three authoritative integrated sports science journals to summarize the characteristics in sports science research of China, U.S. and UK. It also compares the journals in terms of their research objectives, fields, approaches and methods. Finally, the paper provides references for the development of sports science—we need to pay attention to solving the practical problems of China's sports by means of empirical and microcosmic research, enhance public sports and physical activities of children and young people, promote the balanced development of interdisciplinary research, diversify research methods and improve the quality of researches.
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    Interpretation of the Media Spread Effect Mechanism of Sports Events Basedon Social Cognition Theory
    ZHANG Ye-An, XIAO Huan-Yu
    2013, 39 (4):  33-37. 
    Abstract ( 660 )   PDF (406KB) ( 1840 )   Save
    Based on social cognitive theory, the paper interprets sports events media spread effect mechanism, believing that the relevance, the frequency and recency of concept activation, the vitality of concept all work together to influence the accessibility of social cognition of media spread of sports events. Media spread influences audience, viewing behavior influences audience’s cognition and the spread form and frequency influence audience’s cognition. In media communication process, media helps people start some mental models and some particular information in the models while mental models provide theoretical references to explain how the media influences cognitive behaviors.
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    Development and Value Goal of Religious Games
    LI Min, XU Quan-sen
    2013, 39 (4):  38-40. 
    Abstract ( 689 )   PDF (327KB) ( 1845 )   Save
    The paper adopts the research method of documentary to research the value goal of the first Religious Games held in Yunnan, with the result indicating that the Religious Games demonstrate such important values as strengthening the physical body of the religious people, promoting the inherent harmony of the religious communities, promoting the construction of harmonious society and spreading up the popularity of the national fitness program, etc. According to the requirement of development, the paper also suggests some countermeasure, including strengthening the publicity of the games, attracting more external funds and improving the events setting of the games.
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    Development of Martial Arts Dance from the Perspective of Culture——women's participation in the activities
    LI Jun
    2013, 39 (4):  41-44. 
    Abstract ( 724 )   PDF (330KB) ( 1893 )   Save
    Using the combined research method of culturology, historiography and sociology, the paper examines the changes of women’s participating in the development of the martial arts and discusses the mutual influences of martial arts, dance culture and Chinese opera art so as to provide theoretical and practical references for the development of martial arts dancing.
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    Development of Leisure Sports Economy in Chengdu
    HUANG Liang, XU Ming
    2013, 39 (4):  45-47. 
    Abstract ( 737 )   PDF (227KB) ( 1751 )   Save
    This paper analyzes the necessity of developing leisure sports industry and proposes the countermeasure according to basic current situation of Chengdu's social economy, including "Tai Chi fitness and brand operation", "promotion of bicycle sport" and "promoting the development of sports tourism" so as to speed up the development of leisure sports industry in Chengdu, which will help to initially set up the sports industry system.
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    Development of National Traditional Sports in Western China from the Perspectiveof Curriculum Resources Development
    LIU Guang-Chun
    2013, 39 (4):  48-50. 
    Abstract ( 693 )   PDF (227KB) ( 1922 )   Save
    The paper researches the development of sports courses and the concerning projects that can be developed in universities of western China and comes up with suggestions for course development, the purpose of which is to fill in the contents of current P.E. Teaching, enrich P.E. course resources and promote the development of P.E. Courses with national traditional characteristics.
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    Research on the Successful Operation of Sichuan Xinchen Sports and Art School
    CONG Ning-Li, et al
    2013, 39 (4):  51-54. 
    Abstract ( 784 )   PDF (286KB) ( 1602 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of field survey, questionnaire survey, etc, the paper investigates the successful operation of the school over the past 15 years and analyzes the success features and difficulties faced by the school, with the result indicating that the school’s talent training pattern of “school-school cooperation” alleviates the contradictions between learning and training; the interdependent development of the “combination of sports and education” and the “combination of sports and industry” constitutes the main operation pattern of the school; but the school is also encountered with the difficulty of inefficiency in personnel structure and policy provision.
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    Analysis and Countermeasures of the "Obstruction" Phenomenon in the Implementationof the Sports Policy of "Starlight Plan"HE
    2013, 39 (4):  55-57. 
    Abstract ( 690 )   PDF (236KB) ( 1771 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature material and logic analysis, the paper takes " Starlight Plan of Community Elderly Welfare Service " as an example and analyzes its implementation background, contents as well as the present situation so as detect the advantages and disadvantages in the process of its implementation. It is believed that only by constantly promoting the scientificness of the policy, can we improve the policy’s executiveness and give full play to the plan.
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    Enlightenment of "London Failure" on the Positioning of the Development of Chinese Tennis
    JIANG Fu-Sheng
    2013, 39 (4):  58-61. 
    Abstract ( 661 )   PDF (312KB) ( 1937 )   Save
    The failure of the Chinese women' tennis players at the London Olympics exposes many problems in the process of Chinese tennis development. The paper analyzes the reasons of the failure and discusses the the huge distances between Chinese tennis and the overall development of world tennis. Based on this, the paper positions Chinese tennis development in a rational way.
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    Analysis of Chinese and Foreign Outstanding Women Badminton Single Players’ Servingand Receiving Tactics and Characteristics
    LU Zhong-Wen,et al
    2013, 39 (4):  62-67. 
    Abstract ( 872 )   PDF (792KB) ( 1827 )   Save
    The paper conducts statistics of the women badminton single players’ serving and receiving techniques at the world top competitions, including the rational use of service techniques, the placement of the ball and the return of the service. The research result finds that foreign players’ show a higher rate of backhand net and flat ball than their Chinese counterparts. Chinese women single players depending mainly on forehand net and deep clear seldom use backhand service. Chinese and foreign players exhibit significant differences in their choices of backhand net and flat ball. In service area, Chinese prefer area 2 while foreign players concentrate on 1 and 5, especially the back area of 6. What has to be emphasized is the controversial area of 2. In the return of service, Chinese players smash more frequently when receiving backcourt service, followed by high and parrel ball. Chinese players prefer net lift and rub. Compared with Chinese players, foreign players smash more frequently when receiving at the back court.
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    Survey of the Job Burnout Levels Track and Field Coaches
    HE Ye
    2013, 39 (4):  68-70. 
    Abstract ( 670 )   PDF (209KB) ( 1823 )   Save
    The research is to survey the possible differences of job burnout levels between track and field coaches and other sports coaches and those of other sports coaches. The Maslach burnout inventory (MBI) is used to survey the 195 coaches with the result indicating that track and filed coaches score the highest in the detentions of emotional exhaustion and dehumanization, significantly different from coaches of other sports events. Track and field coaches score the lowest in personal sense of achievement but it show no significant differences from other coaches. The research conclusion indicates that compared with other coaches, track and field coaches show an obvious trend of job burnout.
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    Comparative Research on the Short-term Emotional Benefits of One-time Physical ExerciseAccompanied by Music appreciation
    ZHANG Ren-Ren,ZHOU Cheng-Lin
    2013, 39 (4):  71-76. 
    Abstract ( 705 )   PDF (2268KB) ( 1841 )   Save
    60 subjects were tested for their steady running or walking on the treadmill for 30m with moderate intensity and no music. Their emotional state was evaluated 5m before running, 30m during running and 10m after running. Interviews were inserted to check the results and to explore the differences between one exercise with music appreciation and that without music appreciation. The result shows that the exercise with music appreciation can not only generate positive emotional benefits, but also weaken the negative sentiment for a long time. Exercise accompanied with music appreciation can lead to a lot of benefits to exercise. The research might provide theoretic support and guidance for us to better monitor the psychological benefits of physical exercises and to participate in exercises in a scientific way.
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    Research on Test of Outstanding Female Wushu Athletes’ Knee Isokinetic Strength
    GU Wei,CHENG Liang
    2013, 39 (4):  77-80. 
    Abstract ( 786 )   PDF (262KB) ( 1897 )   Save
    The purpose of the paper is to explore the characteristics of knee joint muscle strength of outstanding female wushu athletes. Isokinetic muscle strength testing method is used to conduct a quantitative test on four outstanding female wushu athletes’ left and right knees for their slow 60°/s and 240°/s bending and stretching. The results show that the four subjects exhibit little change in their flexor group, but a relatively more decrease in their extensor group. Compared with 60°/ s test, the best powering angle of the knee joint appears earlier in the process of fast flexion and extension. The paper draws the conclusion that two of the subjects develop better in their knee joint strength with balanced flexion and extension muscle strength and special characteristics. Another subject shows a bigger different muscle group rate on the opposite side of the same name than 10%, so he needs to strengthen the anterior muscle group of right knee joint, and the last one needs to exercise the explosive power of his left knee joint flexor muscles.
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    Research on the Incentive Mechanism of P.E. Technical Teachers in Universities
    JIA Li-Juan, WU Kun
    2013, 39 (4):  81-86. 
    Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (409KB) ( 1869 )   Save
    The paper discusses the current situation and limitations of the incentive mechanism of P.E. technical teachers in universities so as to construct a ternary system of incentive evaluation index. The paper comes up with the ternary incentive mechanism which focuses on technical teachers’ teaching, scientific research and collective working behaviors. It also discusses the operation of the mechanism from aspects of conditions, implementation methods and operation process.
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    Sustainable Development of Traditional Sports Event School in Sichuan in the New Era
    YANG Xue-Mei, XU Yong
    2013, 39 (4):  87-90. 
    Abstract ( 677 )   PDF (259KB) ( 1952 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature material, questionnaire survey and field investigations, the paper makes a comprehensive and systematic study of the current development situation of some traditional sports event schools. It is found that such schools lack innovativeness in their operation and management. They are faced with the dilemma of poor training quality, low-level athletes and ineffective supply of talents, which is caused by the students’ quality, fields, faculty and funds. Based on the situation, the paper combines the success experience and puts forward some feasible suggestions that are in line with their operation and management mechanism, layout of event structure, training target and market demand.
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    Experimental Research of Middle school Head Teachers’ Intervention Effecton Students’ KAP of Sports and Health and Physical Fitness
    SHENG Jian-feng, et al
    2013, 39 (4):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 866 )   PDF (228KB) ( 1673 )   Save
    Head teacher are the key in school educations and they carry out their rights and obligations to students on behalf of the schools. But the previous related researches seldom focus on their sports ability, letting alone their influences on students in terms of their sports. Experimental approach is adopted in the paper to research the 4 classes(215 students) of senior 1. The head teachers are made to influence their students in out-of-class sports exercises and class activities in order to explore the intervention effect of the head teachers on the students’ KAP of sports and health and physical fitness. The research result shows that the head teachers’ mastery of sports ability, knowledge structure and their intervention by means of theme class meetings will help promote students in their sports and health knowledge, beliefs, behaviors and physical fitness. What is more, the intervention effect has nothing to do with the gender of the teachers and the head teachers of different genders should show no significant differences in their mastery of sports skills and knowledge structure.
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