ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

Table of Content

    01 March 2013, Volume 39 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    Perspective Transformation and meaning reconstruction——Interpretation on sports activities from the body perspective
    Wang Guo-hong,Zhang Wen-hui
    2013, 39 (3):  1-6. 
    Abstract ( 663 )   PDF (462KB) ( 2247 )   Save
    It is a novel and essential research point to discuss sports from the perspective of the human bodies, . Which can help us find not only the hidden cultural and social traces in the living bodies in sports fields but also the essence and truth behind sports activities. As an incorporating practice, sports need the physical presence of body, entirely relying on the participation of the bodies. With the awakening of the body perspective, sports activities should be interpreted based on a new meaning. Caring for the body should become the humanistic dimension of the sports activities, improving the quality of life should be the ultimate goal of sports activities and leading spirit should be the inherent content filled with social care.
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    Spiritual Philosophical Foundation and Developmentof Ancient Greek Competitive Sports——based on Hagel's philosophy of history as the research filed
    ZHANG Xiang-fen
    2013, 39 (3):  7-12. 
    Abstract ( 714 )   PDF (484KB) ( 2425 )   Save
    Hegel interpreted the core or center of the character of the Greek spirit as " the beauty of personality". The personality spirit of competitive sports presents itself in the subjective work of art - "human culture". Spiritual philosophy of ancient Greek competitive sports is based on the spiritual impulse force of humans to highlight the beauty of their own body shape. The Greek spirit of self-expression directly promotes the formation and development of the types and forms of recreation activities with competitive sports tournaments as the core. The unification of the science of wisdom and the science of sports showing the beauty of human body shapes determines the "perfect" target and principles of education in ancient Greek city-states. In turn, such an educational ideal promotes the development of competitive sports.
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    System Innovation: Analysis on the Reformof Chinese Football Professionalization Based on New System Economics
    LIU Su,,ZHANG Lin
    2013, 39 (3):  13-19. 
    Abstract ( 678 )   PDF (604KB) ( 1567 )   Save
    The analysis of the new system economics shows that the reform of Chinese football professionalization is a process of innovation or the establishment of new mechanism.The pursuit of latent profit and the unbalanced system transformation constitute the new motivation for Chinese football system to innovate itself. The innovation of the reform of the professionalization of Chinese football is characterized by the gradual mandatory system transformation. The paper, based on the exploration of the advantages and limitations, suggests the corresponding paths and strategies.
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    Community Public Service Function of British Football Clubs——evolution, current situation and characteristics
    LIANG Bin,
    2013, 39 (3):  20-25. 
    Abstract ( 799 )   PDF (443KB) ( 1803 )   Save
    Through literature and mathematical statistics, the paper researches British football clubs’ community public service functions with the results showing that such clubs have been geopolitically and psychologically connected with the communities since their initial establishment, which brings about a win-win result between the two. British football clubs have their own management team of community public services and maintain effective cooperations with government and non-governmental organizations, which leads to an organized mode of community public services. In addition, football leagues at all levels will make unified plans against the current social issues in order for all clubs to undertake diversified activities in the unified framework, enabling football clubs to truly become the center of the British community life.
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    Public Sports Facilities Planning of Urban Communities Based on Low-Carbon Travel Concept
    ZHU Hong
    2013, 39 (3):  26-32. 
    Abstract ( 653 )   PDF (1474KB) ( 1893 )   Save
    From the perspective of low-carbon travel, the paper clarifies the relationship between low-carbon travel and urban spatial structure as well as the existing problems of the current urban public sports facilities in China and attempts to propose the principles of planning and layout of urban public sports facilities suitable for urban residents' low-carbon-travel life. The research result shows that the planning of urban public sports facilities should take residential communities as the main scale to construct moderately compact spatial structure with small scale; it should be arranged with other facilities in residential communities so as to construct multipurpose trip chains; slow moving traffic system mainly including POD & BOD should be constructed as the main travel mode inside residential communities while TOD should be proper outside such areas; service contents should be determined based on survey of the the residents in order to take account of different groups' travel ability; the layout mode of "sports facilities within reach for residents" should adopted to ensure low-carbon travel for of the residents' daily physical exercises.
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    Discussion on the Administrative Ethics in the Privatization of Public Sports Venues
    LIU Zun-jia, LU Heng-bo
    2013, 39 (3):  33-38. 
    Abstract ( 735 )   PDF (464KB) ( 2383 )   Save
    Based on administrative ethics, the paper adopts interviews, field investigations and questionnaire to clarify the different paths of the privatization of China's sports venues and analyzes the administrative ethics problems in this process in order to come up with the corresponding strategies and to provide theoretical and practical references for the reform.
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    A Review of the Researches on the Rural Sports Public Goods Supply in China
    ZHONG Wu,WANG Dong-dong
    2013, 39 (3):  39-44. 
    Abstract ( 612 )   PDF (551KB) ( 2571 )   Save
    Depending on content analysis method, the paper analyzes and evaluates the current situation of the researches of rural sports public goods supply in China, with the result indicating that certain achievements have been obtained in the researches on the definitions and classifications of the concerning concepts, the formation and duties of the main suppliers, the history and current situation of the supply system, the causes and countermeasures of supply difficulties, etc., but there still exist such problems as poor research efforts, simple research methods, superficial research contents and delayed research results. Therefore it is suggested that we should conduct multidisciplinary researches by combining the times contexts of social development, attach importance to field investigations and case study and explore new research fields in the future.
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    Information Disclosure and Service Ability——based on the survey of sports community of 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions
    SU Yan-qin, CHENG Lin-lin
    2013, 39 (3):  45-49. 
    Abstract ( 708 )   PDF (337KB) ( 2189 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of website search, content survey and expert consultations, the paper investigates the information disclosure and service ability of the provincial sports communities in 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, with the result showing that there is correlation between information disclosure and service ability of such sports communities. Such relationship also exhibits itself in its unbalanced development, with the reason being the unsound supervision mechanism, insufficient emphasis and the deficiency in both hard and soft wares. Such countermeasures are accordingly suggested as perfecting the supervision mechanism of information disclosure, constructing organizations and informationization and strengthening publicity in order to enhance the service ability of provincial sports communities.
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    Comparison of the Influence of Youth Olympic Games and Olympic Games on Mass Media
    SUN Bao-li,et al
    2013, 39 (3):  50-53. 
    Abstract ( 766 )   Save
    The mass media reports the Olympic movement deeply and widely. As the representative of the Olympic movement, Olympics Games, in turn, exhibits a profound influence on mass media too. The influence could be categorized into transmission methods and resources. Youth Olympic Games is away from the mass media competition, which is coincidently in line with the habits of young people and injects new vigor into mass media's sports reporting.
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    Changes of Sports Movies in Modern China and Their Social Influence
    WANG Yan
    2013, 39 (3):  54-58. 
    Abstract ( 737 )   PDF (385KB) ( 2238 )   Save
    Employing the methods of documentation and logical analysis, the paper investigates and analyzes the history of sports movies of modern China, with the results showing that in war times, modern China's sports movies experienced complex and hard development. While pursuing art, modern China's sports movies had to compromise to commercial capital, audience interest, government control, white terror and social environments, which, to some extent, forced them to give up the essence of pure pursuit. But in those special times contexts, sports had its value and historical mission of encouraging and enhancing people's morale. In addition, there were very similar claims between sports and films in art, expression, personality, time and space transformation and so on. In the history of modern China's movies, sports movies took up their own place with many classical works, playing a positive role in public opinion guidance and cultural propaganda.
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    Research on the Ancient Chinese Culture of Ji Rang
    ZHANG Bao-qiang
    2013, 39 (3):  59-64. 
    Abstract ( 777 )   PDF (445KB) ( 2155 )   Save
    Ji Rang( a throwing sport) is the one of the most ancient games and an important intangible cultural heritage in China. The author reveals the characteristics and connotation of Ji Rang culture from the aspects of implements, system and thought. This paper is of important practical significance in exploring disappearing traditional Chinese entertainment, enriching the people's recreational mode respecting the public's games rights.
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    Analysis on the 16PF Norms and Characteristicof Excellent Athletic Aerobics and Cheerleading Athletes
    YANG Nian-en, et al
    2013, 39 (3):  65-68. 
    Abstract ( 756 )   PDF (792KB) ( 2356 )   Save
    In order to explore the excellent athletic aerobics and cheerleading athletes' personality characteristics, to analyze the influence of athletic aerobics and cheerleading on the athletes' personality traits and to apply it to the training and selection of athletes, the paper employs 16PF questionnaire to investigate 51 athletic aerobics and cheerleading athletes in East China Normal University. The results show that (1) The score of gregariousness in female athletes is higher than that in male athletes while the score of emotional stability in male athletes is higher than that in female athletes.(2) Aerobics athletes score higher in their perseverance, determination and constancy. (3) The longer the training period is, the lower the score is in both independence and imagination. (4) Better sports performance leads to lower score in independence and vigilance.
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    Analysis on Competition Situation and Patterns of World Women's Horse-Vaulting
    CHEN Xu-hui
    2013, 39 (3):  69-73. 
    Abstract ( 720 )   PDF (328KB) ( 2496 )   Save
    Using literature, video observations and other research methods, the paper analyzes the competition situation and patterns of world women horse-vaulting at the 30th Olympic Games and the shortcomings of Chinese women's horse-vaulting. The results indicate a relative concentration of movements, slow development in high difficulty and high score movements and an urgent need of improvement in movement quality and landing stability. Chinese women athletes are faced with a dilemma of monotonous movements, insufficient backups and weak overall strength. Therefore the paper proposes that China's relevant departments should pay attention to the overall development of the horse-vaulting and layout; enrich movements according the athletes' characteristics in the training of high level women horse-vaulting athletes and be aware of and understand new rules in time.
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    Chinese Women Volleyball Team’s Failure at the London Olympic Games Viewedfrom Their Performance in the Recent 30 Years
    WANG Li-xiao, et al
    2013, 39 (3):  74-77. 
    Abstract ( 793 )   PDF (1647KB) ( 2092 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature data, mathematical statistics, video observation, etc., the paper reviews the performance of Chinese women volleyball team in the recent 30 years, believing that the following factors lead to Chinese team’s failure at the London Olympic Games the absence of the overall tactics and techniques, the insufficiency of backup players and the lack of distinctive characteristics on the part of the coaches.
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    Kinematic Analysis of the Technique of Swing in Take-off Processof China's Excellent Men Long-jumpers
    Lixue-mei,Yang He-shi
    2013, 39 (3):  78-83. 
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (1357KB) ( 1947 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature, 3-D video analysis, interviews, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the paper researches the techniques of the swinging legs in every phases, the correlation between the swinging leg techniques and performance in the process, the relationship between leg swinging techniques and boarding speed, the initial speed of body gravity at takeoff, the horizontal velocity of takeoff, the vertical component velocity and the take-off speed. The research results show that 1. there are some defects in China's top long jumpers in their leg swinging techniques; 2. The hip angle at the takeoff is small, leading to inactive forward and upward hip push; 3. The hip angle of the swinging leg is big while the swinging amplitude of the side hip points is small with slow speed; 4. The side hip of the winging leg significantly lags behind the front leg without being able to function as the leg on the part of the hip and the front swing of the swinging leg can not fit the take-off speed.; 5. In the buffer period, over emphasis is put on the the quick swing of the swinging leg without realizing the importance of hip points serving as an engine; 6. In the period of pedaling and extending, the take-off leg shows slow and small amplitude in hip push and insufficient pedaling, leading to the failure to gather all the power collected when taking off to maintain the same direction of hip push, pedaling and knee extending and to help the transfer of the body gravity from the lower to the upper body.
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    Biomechanical Research of the Key Indexes of Snatchof Elite Weightlifters the Different Classes
    XU Wen-quan,WANG Xiang- donget al
    2013, 39 (3):  84-87. 
    Abstract ( 731 )   PDF (1638KB) ( 1930 )   Save
    The paper researches the barbell's fastest velocity, rising height and rising time after energizing in snatch and the time, height and work ratio of the barbell during different phases in order to reveal the snatch techniques of men and women weightlifters with the emphasis being put on the statistical differences between the two different genders and different classes in the above-mentioned indexes so as to provide some scientific conferences for instructors in their training.
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    Comparative analysis of constitution of college students of Bai and Han nationality
    PENG Chun-jiang
    2013, 39 (3):  88-90. 
    Abstract ( 763 )   PDF (210KB) ( 1914 )   Save
    This paper makes a statistical analysis of the data of constitution tests on Bai and Han college students. According to detailed rules and requirements of National Students Constitution and Health Standards, the paper compares the physical constitution and health of Bai and Han nationalities in order to obtain an overall understanding of the health status of college students of different nationalities and of the differences and similarities between them. The research finds that Bai and Han students' standard weight for height is normal with no significant differences in their height (P>0.05) but great differences in boys' standard weight for height (P<0.01), which may result from the different constitutions of Bai and Han nationalities. Han boys' weight is close to the upper limit of normal standard weight, indicating that they need more exercises.
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    An Experimental Study of the Intervention of Health Qigong Ba Duan Jinon University Students with Sub-Health
    GUAN Tie-yu
    2013, 39 (3):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 708 )   PDF (258KB) ( 1864 )   Save
    To better understand the effects of health Qigong on college students with sub-health, 89 college students with sub-health problems are selected as practitioners of an 18-week program of Ba Duan Jin Qi Gong, exercising 4 times a week, 40 minutes each time, with the results finding that the Ba Duan Jin health Qigong exerts very effective result on such students with sub-health problems, reaching the effective rate of 44.9%. After the program, their T lymphocyte and NK cell activity increase significantly with a sharp decrease in their mental stress. Therefore the paper comes to the conclusion that Ba Duan Jin can help alleviate students' sub-health condition, improve their immunity and relieve their mental stress.
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