ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    01 January 2013, Volume 39 Issue 1    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    Analysis and Policy Suggestions about the Reform Reasons for Sports Development Mode
    JI Liu
    2013, 39 (1):  1-7. 
    Abstract ( 517 )   PDF (638KB) ( 1497 )   Save
    During the new transitional period of Chinese society from the survival to the development phase, some factors existing in the development mode of traditional Chinese sports constitute the internal causes to promote the transformation of sports development mode while politics, economy and social changes at the national macroscopic level are the external causes. Based on this, the paper believes that in the process of reform of Chinese sports development mode we should first of all clarify the essence of sports as the premise, consider the basic realities of the country as the key and adhere to the overall development as the core. We should also learn from foreign experience, reform sports system and choose the correct reform path.
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    Performance Management of Public Service of National FitnessProgram Based on Balanced Scorecard
    ZHANG Rui-lin, et al
    2013, 39 (1):  8-13. 
    Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (553KB) ( 2281 )   Save
    Objective and fair performance management is the important power source to promote the healthy development of the national fitness cause. The paper researches the performance management of public services in the national fitness program by means of the methods of literature and interviews, believing that China is faced with unsound performance management mechanism in its public services of the national fitness program. Therefore it is the effective countermeasure of optimizing the governmental performance management to construct the performance management mode based on the balanced scorecards.
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    Internationalization Progress of Sports Scientific Research in Mainland China——Based on the Quantitative Analysis of the Literature in WOS Database
    LI Yuan, WANG Wei
    2013, 39 (1):  14-21. 
    Abstract ( 424 )   PDF (543KB) ( 1770 )   Save
    Using the method of literature metrology, the author conducts statistics and quantitative analyses of the 526 papers in mainland China included in the three reference databases of WOS in terms of the literature quantity, authors, institutions, source periodicals and quoted passages, which casts light on mainland China’s sports scientific research production, core journals, core staff, core institutions, main research field and international influence. It will help mainland researchers understand the present situation, strength and internationalization degree of mainland sports scientific researches.
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    Multidimensional Ponderation of China’s Sports Power Strategy——based on the perspective of inclusive growth
    LAI Xiao-qing
    2013, 39 (1):  22-26. 
    Abstract ( 406 )   PDF (444KB) ( 1620 )   Save
    The paper explores the connotation of inclusive growth and analyzes some urgent problems waiting to be solved in China’s sports power strategy from the aspects of strategic target, value orientation, development ideas, development mode, strategic priority and the deepening of sports reform. The research believes that we should rationally understand the connotation of the strategic objectives of sports power, establish the “people-orientated” value orientation, set up and coordinate the sustainable development mode, adjust the strategic priority by upgrading the overall strength and integrated competitiveness of Chinese sports. The paper also believes that it is the basic guarantee for implementing the sports power strategy and promoting the harmonious and sustainable development of Chinese sports to deepen the reform of sports.
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    Legal Analysis of Fair Charges in Sports
    KANG Jun-xin, LIU Shui-qing
    2013, 39 (1):  27-31. 
    Abstract ( 455 )   PDF (450KB) ( 1944 )   Save
    Fair charges in sports are justified behaviors based on sports rules and sports morality as the limit with certain sports event characteristics. The legal basis of the justification of fair charges is the theory of profession autonomy and social equivalence. It is characterized by its non-criminality and non-infringement, so it should be interfered with and considered by law according to its conditions of being justified. We should solve the disputes by mainly depending on insurances supplemented by the settlement of the internal sports filed itself, law courts, social adjustment and social security system.
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    Comparison between the Development Mechanisms of Sino-Japanese Women Football
    YU Jian-jun, et al
    2013, 39 (1):  32-37. 
    Abstract ( 411 )   PDF (2221KB) ( 1447 )   Save
    Depending on literature data, mathematical statistics, expert interviews and other methods, the paper makes a comparison between Chinese and Japanese women football in terms of their development history, operation mechanism and development environment, with the conclusion believing that Japan possesses efficient info-exchange network with football training centers as the core. The dynamic integration of human, logical and physical factors in Japanese football training are the vital factors leading to its success. The combination of sports and teaching, the system of “special and overseas players’ appointment” and the long-term feedback system work together to promote the sustained development of Japanese football. All these are coincidentally absent in Chinese women football. The paper accordingly suggests some measures according to the Chinese national situation.
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    Resource Condition Evaluation in the Bid of Large Sports Competitions
    ZHANG Feng-jun
    2013, 39 (1):  38-44. 
    Abstract ( 396 )   PDF (531KB) ( 2324 )   Save
    Through expert interviews, questionnaires, inductive analysis and other methods, the paper analyzes the resource conditions in sports competitions so as to determine the corresponding index systems and further discusses the judgment point of each three-level index. The paper, according to the different essences of the point, puts forward the evaluation concept and standard from the qualitative and quantitative angles.
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    Re-research of the Ancient Greek Sports from the Perspective of Public Space
    WANG Cai-ping,LIU Sheng-jie
    2013, 39 (1):  45-49. 
    Abstract ( 392 )   PDF (522KB) ( 1701 )   Save
    The public space in ancient Greece is a kind of equality, freedom and a symbol of justice, which embodies the city-state will and citizens’ right. Cultural and sports locations constitute Greek people’s material and secular space. Customs and beliefs constitute the cultural and religious space of their sports activities while the sense of citizenship constitutes their political and system space. It is in such public spaces that the ancient Greeks created their brilliant civilizations that finally became the immortal power to guide the development of the present western society and benefited mankind.
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    Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Miao Farmers’ Sports Behavior in West Hunan
    YANG Feng
    2013, 39 (1):  50-54. 
    Abstract ( 405 )   PDF (431KB) ( 1817 )   Save
    Depending on the methods of literature data, questionnaire survey , mathematical statistics, the paper investigates and analyzes the sports behavior of the Miao farmers in West Hunan. It objectively reveals the characteristics and influencing factors of these people’s sports behaviors and suggests the corresponding countermeasures for the problems so as to provide theoretical basis for promoting the sustainable development of sports in minority nationality areas.
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    Symbols, Culture and Martial Arts Sculpture
    WANG Guo-zhi, WANG Zheng
    2013, 39 (1):  55-58. 
    Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (318KB) ( 1913 )   Save
    Chinese martial arts is a typical symbol of Chinese traditional culture. It contains profound philosophy and its harmonious value concept caters to theme of the harmonious co-existence of human civilizations. The sculpture of "CHINA Kung Fu" with martial arts and Bruce Lee as the Chinese elements is displayed at the World Expo, which publicizes martial arts, spreads Chinese culture, creates a sound Chinese image and provides new ideas for the internationalized development of martial arts. The paper adopts the methods of literature, induction, deduction and logic analysis to analyze the cultural connotation of "CHINA Kung Fu" sculpture at the World Expo. It also analyzes the obstacles to the internationalized development of martial arts and suggests countermeasures for the development.
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    Comparative Research of School Sports Values between China and the West
    WANG Yan
    2013, 39 (1):  59-63. 
    Abstract ( 549 )   PDF (396KB) ( 1667 )   Save
    By using the methods of literature and comparative analysis, the paper, from philosophy, culture and social foundation, etc, analyzes the similarities and differences of the values of school sports between China and the West and establishes different value system mode of school sports, believing that school sports values of China and the West should learn from and complement each other. School sports mode should focus on the mode of "morality based on humanity, knowledge and skills for practical use" and promoting the integration of the sports science of "combination" and "harmony", “division” and “competing” .
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    Cultivation and Construction of the Core Competence of Sports Universitiesin the Process of the Internationalization of Higher Education
    XIE Xiao-yan
    2013, 39 (1):  64-66. 
    Abstract ( 435 )   PDF (246KB) ( 1939 )   Save
    The key of the cultivation and construction of the core competence of Chinese sports universities in the internationalization process of higher education lies in "innovation". Based on the theoretic system of "core competence", the paper, by using the methods of literature and logical analysis, discusses the measures for sports universities to cultivate and construct their core competence so as to offer some advice to the development of Chinese sports universities in the internationalization process of higher education.
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    A Topic on the Epistemology and Methodology of Training Practice——reviews on plyometrics
    JIANG Hong-bin
    2013, 39 (1):  67-72. 
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (1823KB) ( 2154 )   Save
    By using the method of literature, the paper summarizes the history and the present situations of plyometrics, composite training (CT) and aquatic prolonged training(APT) in order to provide some help to the recognition and methods in terms of the domestic application of plyometrics. The research shows that plyometrics is one of the most effective measures to improve athletes’ fast strength ability and it brings about special effects in improving agility, stability of core strength and economicalness of running. In view of the controversy about the load monitoring, performance evaluation, fatigue as well as the expansion of plyometrics in its practical application, mature training theoretical systems have not yet been established.
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    Influence of Resistance Training on Strength and Coordination underthe Condition of Unstable Support
    LIU Yao-rong
    2013, 39 (1):  73-77. 
    Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (385KB) ( 2347 )   Save
    Purpose the paper is to study the influence of resistance training on muscle strength and coordination ability under the conditions of unstable support. Methods 15 male subjects are used as testing objects to test the iEMG changes in the process of contraction and analyze the test results of their left RF and BF, TA, MG, ES and RA of loaded and non-loaded situations when half squatting under the two different supporting conditions (hard supporting surface and pad balance)through the ME6000 myoelectricity telemetry system. Results the iEMG values of the tested muscle groups of RF, BF, TA, MG, ES and RA under the condition of half squat with load and stable support are 30.78 + / - 7.97, 150.44 + / - 65.74, 338.11 + / - 114.93, 55.33 + / - 17.61, 758.44 + / - 248.98 and 56.89 + / - 20.49? V.s; while with unstable support, the values are 36.78 + / - 9.31, 170.78 + / - 58.84, 418.22 + / - 96.71, 85.89 + / - 42.79, 1012.89 + / - 210.38 and 63.33 + / - 22.53? V.s. Relative to the stable condition, the iEMGs of the tested muscle groups under unstable condition increase by 20%, 13.33%, 23.67%, 55.23%, 33.51% and 12.50%, with statistical significance between groups and the iEMG significantly of tibialis significantly greater than other tested muscle groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion unstable support interface increases the nervous system activity and muscle gathering level. The adjustment of the neuromuscular gathering mode is the basic guarantee to maintain the stability and coordination of the human body.
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    Exploration of Young Basketball Players’ Training of Technical Movement Rhythms
    TIAN Hong
    2013, 39 (1):  78-80. 
    Abstract ( 511 )   PDF (238KB) ( 1683 )   Save
    Modern basketball is becoming more and more demanding in its movement rhythm control, so rhythm training has become an essential part of technical training. The paper mainly analyzes the connotation and expression forms of technical movement rhythm and explains the contents and requirements in the concerning training with the hope of helping the training of young basketball players.
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    Research on the Practice of PE Teaching Mode of “ Three Basesand Three Divisions ” in Higher Vocational Colleges
    WANG Lei-yi
    2013, 39 (1):  81-83. 
    Abstract ( 493 )   PDF (224KB) ( 1855 )   Save
    Using the methods of documentary, questionnaire investigation and practice, the paper researches the “three bases and three division” mode in the P.E. teaching in higher vocational colleges, believing that the teaching mode can effectively improve the traditional mode, arouse students’ interest in sports activities and enhance their physical condition, which will provide theoretical and practical guidance for such colleges in their P.E. Teaching.
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    Sports Inscriptions in Bashu Carved Stone Statues——Based on the field survey of carved stone statues in Anyue
    YAN Yu-feng, XU Quan-Sen
    2013, 39 (1):  84-86. 
    Abstract ( 399 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 2062 )   Save
    The paper adopts field investigations, literature and historical comparisons to research the sports traces found in the carved stone statues in Qianfo Zhai ( Thousand-buddha Village) and Pi Lu Cave in Anyue area. The research result indicates that in such statues the descriptions of ancient people’s aesthetics of sports contents about physical beauty, Dahong Boxing and wrestling can be found. These contents about sports reveal the importance of ancient sports in social and religious fields. The paper also compares the sports traces in the statues with the present sports events to prove the characteristics of ancient China’s sports inheritance.
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    Influence of Relocation on the Inheritance of the Qiang People's Traditional Sports Culture
    YANG Qun-ru, zHANG Dan
    2013, 39 (1):  87-90. 
    Abstract ( 433 )   PDF (307KB) ( 1881 )   Save
    The methods of literature, interviews, questionnaire survey and field investigations are adopted in the paper to investigate the influence of relocation after the earthquake on the Qiang people. The research shows that the relocation causes major changes to the Qiang people's traditional sports culture. In view of these changes, the paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of reconstructing these people’s cultural space, improving their living standards and taking advantage of the relocation policy to inherit their sports culture.
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    Development of Traditional Minority Sports Culture in Tourism Field
    HAN Yu-ji,WANG Hong-shen
    2013, 39 (1):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 450 )   PDF (335KB) ( 2221 )   Save
    Based on field theory, the paper analyzes the individual maintenance and cultural assimilation, narrowness and scientificity, the performance of economic functions and the sale of traditional culture. In the choice of theory and practice, paradox and surpassing, we should develop the traditional minority sports culture from following aspects the modern and traditional fusion, the rationalized establishment of market orientation, the coordination of the stakeholders’ relationship, the natural heritage as well as the promotion of scientific development path, etc.
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