ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    20 February 2013, Volume 39 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Orignal Article
    Individualized Society--Sociological Basis of Leisure Sports
    WANG Guang-hu,ZHANG Hong-Jian
    2013, 39 (2):  1-8. 
    Abstract ( 733 )   PDF (676KB) ( 2296 )   Save
    The contemporary Chinese society is now experiencing its gradual transformation from a “totalist society” to an "individualized" one. Individualized society breaks and surpasses totalist society, which reclaims a new field for Chinese sports development. With the emergence of individualized society, China gradually turns into the new era of leisure. In the framework of individualized society, the proposal and practice of leisure spots has, one the one hand, endowed Chinese sports undertaking in the new era with the characteristics of new times and the people-oriented modern idea. One the other hand, individualized society has provided the new sociological basis for leisure sports, which is characterized by flexible social environment, rational economic environment, liberal political environment and humanist cultural environment.
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    Bewilderment of Sports Knowledge: Based on the Analysis of the Dispute of Contemporary Epistemology
    GAO Qiang
    2013, 39 (2):  9-14. 
    Abstract ( 705 )   PDF (476KB) ( 1570 )   Save
    The bewilderment of sports knowledge can be understood as the question of "whether sports knowledge has been formed ?", in which what form of knowledge and which comes first in sports should be the question to be asked first of all. The controversy and development of contemporary epistemology has provided theoretical support for the solution of the bewilderment of sports knowledge. Grimen’s definition of knowledge makes it possible for the subjective behavior and experience widely existent in sports to be included in knowledge system. The dispute between Popper, Huck and Polanyi results in subjective and objective sports knowledge, while the later "practice turn" of epistemology by the Wittgenstein school establishes the basic status of subjective sports knowledge. The introduction of contemporary epistemological dispute into sports not only enriches sports with knowledge but also provides new research field for epistemology.
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    Analysis on the Perception Theory of Sports Skill Operation——based on indirect perception and direct perception theory
    FENG Jian-li, ZHANG Hong-jie
    2013, 39 (2):  15-19. 
    Abstract ( 748 )   PDF (388KB) ( 1759 )   Save
    The method of literature is used to explain information processing theory and ecological paradigm theory of perception and to analyze the different explanations of the two theories in perceptual prediction, decision-making, movement control and learning. The purpose is to point out the advantages and limitations of the two theories by means of discriminating information processing theory and ecological paradigm theory of perception so as to provide different perspectives and ideas for sports teaching and training.
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    Analysis on the Present Situation of International Olympic Research——Based on the first International Congress of Olympic Research
    LI Shu-wang, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  20-25. 
    Abstract ( 684 )   PDF (466KB) ( 1332 )   Save
    It can be found from the first international conference on international Olympic researches that there is close relationship between the development of Olympic research and the Olympic Games in all countries. The current Olympic researches mainly focus on the four subjects of Olympics and education, youngsters and Olympics, Olympic management and policies, Olympic history and heritage. The digitalization and new medialization of research methods has also promoted Olympic researches. The congress and the resolutions passed at the congress show that it is a platform for all countries to demonstrate their Olympic research strength and to win their academic utterance. So we need to explore how China can win its position on this platform.
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    trategic Research on the Integrated Innovation of Large Sports Scientific Research Activities——a case study of the Olympic Games
    SU Min,ZHONG Bing-shu
    2013, 39 (2):  26-30. 
    Abstract ( 675 )   PDF (392KB) ( 1522 )   Save
    The methods of literature review, field investigation, mathematical statistics are adopted in the paper to study the strategic integration levels and strategic integrated optimization mechanism. The paper divides the strategy of scientific researches and services for preparing for the Olympic Games into the strategy of the State General Administration, the strategy of the sports management center, the strategy of the scientific research teams and the strategy of the individuals. Strategic integration is the key in the elements of integrated innovation because other elements center on and are confined by the former. The scientific researches and services for preparing for the Olympics determine the effects of scientific research innovations.
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    Assessment of the Effect of Sports Competitions on the Environment of the Hosting Cities
    AN Jun-ying, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  31-35. 
    Abstract ( 731 )   PDF (409KB) ( 2415 )   Save
    Based on the environmental impact mechanism, the paper summarizes the measurement indexes of the environmental impact assessment of sports competition by the pros and cons and discusses all kinds of environmental pollution as well as the corresponding evaluation strategy from the preparing to the hosting periods, which is conducive to predicting the pollution and its seriousness brought about by sports competitions. This will lead to orderly environmental protection, thus reducing environmental pollution and resulting in the harmonious development of sports competitions and urban environment.
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    Inheritance and Communication of the Monan Yin Spear
    TIAN Hai-jun,GUO Zhi-yu
    2013, 39 (2):  36-39. 
    Abstract ( 791 )   PDF (312KB) ( 2120 )   Save
    Based on the perspective of regional wushu culture research, the paper researches the cultural origin and inheritance of the Monan Yin spaer, with the result showing that 1. It is spread to the Tumo Chuan Plain by the immigrants at the end of the Qing Dynasty,. The traditional communication of wushu skill depends on interpersonal communication as it fundamental way accompanied by group and official communications as the supplements; 2. The set and style are the creation of the spear after development and perfection. And it is the result in the process of cultural inheritance and debugging; 3. The objective fact of sticking to homeland and settlement constitutes the historical and contemporary barriers and shackles for the lateral communication of the spear.
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    New Development Trend of US Sports Venues and Enlightenment
    SUN Cheng-lin, WANG Jian
    2013, 39 (2):  40-45. 
    Abstract ( 766 )   PDF (480KB) ( 1979 )   Save
    By using literature research method, the paper analyzes the new development trend of US sports venues, with the conclusion showing that with the wide spread of judicial litigation against the construction of sports venues in the United States, sports venues’ financing is faced with a dilemma. Sports venue construction has witnessed a trend of continuous decreases in public fund and increases in private fund. The wide use of high-tech and environmental building materials induces the environmentally-friendly development trend in the construction of sports venues. The fierce competition between universities brings about a vigorous development trend of sports venues in American universities. Sports venue construction has become the main measures for the urban renewal and local economic recovery in the United States. At present, a new social problem of the general public being rejected from sports venues has been witnessed in the United States, which has eroded the public welfare of sports venues. The paper proposes the corresponding measures for China’s sports venue construction and development.
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    Research on the Social Benefit of Public Sports Venues’ Openingto the Public and the Problems——Based on the case analysis Ninghan
    FANG Xia-yu
    2013, 39 (2):  46-49. 
    Abstract ( 825 )   PDF (278KB) ( 1939 )   Save
    Sports public services have become the important functions of the governments at all levels, so Ningbo has accordingly made its own strategic decision of “6 speed-up plan”, which is to open the 7 municipal sports venues to the public for free. The paper, based on the analysis of the present situation of the free opening of sports venues and its social benefit, explores the problems in this process and proposes the four countermeasures of changing the service mode and realizing the diversification of service suppliers, adhering to the public welfare goal and implementing the government purchase service measures, providing services to great masses and advocate equal public services, effectively saving the cost and improving the quality of public services.
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    Research on the Comparative Advantages of Operation Modeof Sports Venue Service Outsourcing——based on the analysis of financial data
    LI Zhen, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  50-54. 
    Abstract ( 1564 )   PDF (387KB) ( 4200 )   Save
    Depending on the method of documentary, ratio analysis, etc, the paper conducts a quantitative and qualitative research on the comparative advantages of sports venue service outsourcing and analyzes the present application situation of domestic and international sports service outsourcing . Ratio analysis in finance is adopted to conduct a comparative analysis of the average financial data between W sports center and Hubei, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other 15 provinces, finding that the financial operation performance of W sports center is superior to that of Hubei, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other 15 provinces. The paper thus concludes that sports venue service outsourcing can help to improve operational efficiency, reduce operating costs, promote management standardization and streamline personnel. It is suggested that the government should actively promote service outsourcing model in the application of venue operation. Venue management should change their business philosophy, improve the understanding of the service outsourcing, pay more attention to the supervision of service outsourcing quality and introduce reasonable benchmarking administration to learn service outsourcing.
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    Effect of Customer Citizenship Behavior in Sports Fitness
    HAN Bo, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  55-58. 
    Abstract ( 795 )   PDF (240KB) ( 1765 )   Save
    Based on the theory of customer citizenship behavior, the paper discusses the influence of consumers’ customer citizenship behavior on the quality of service in sports fitness centers. 300 samples are collected from consumers in sports fitness centers in Beijing and Nanjing. 299 are used as the subjects of this survey excluding those inaccurate questionnaires. SPSS 15.0 is adopted to conduct frequency analysis, technical statistics, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis and multiple regression analysis. It is concluded that the consumer’s customer citizenship behavior in sports fitness centers will improve the service quality.
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    Characteristics of Outstanding Female Sport Talents and Their Spatialand Temporal Distribution——a case study of Chinese Women Champions in the Summer Olympic Games
    JIANG Gui-ping, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  59-65. 
    Abstract ( 679 )   PDF (933KB) ( 1559 )   Save
    Based on the database of female champions in the summer Olympic Games, the paper researches the characteristics and spatial and temporal distributions of outstanding Chinese sports talents with the result indicating that the average age of women champions in summer Olympic Games is 22.7 and most of them come from ordinary and poor families. There are more and more highly educated women Olympic champions, but they are still inferior to those ordinary students with the same education in terms of their actual knowledge. The number of female athletes selected by instructors to participate in competitive sports training is much higher than the number of those who do it because of their own interests. From the angle of time, the number of female champions in the summer Games number is seen to drop first, to change, to steadily rise and then to drop again, which is respectively influenced by the absence of the traditional major gold medal countries, the insufficiency of competition experience because of initial entry, the rapid development of sports and the effect of the hosting country. From the space, all previous female champions in the summer Games in China are distributed quite differently, with the eastern coastal areas gradually developing into the meeting grounds of women Olympic champions and the championship events distributing differently between different provinces and regions. Nature, economy, social and cultural environment all work together as the factors to influence the spatial distribution of female champions’ distribution
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    Analysis of the Foreign Players’ Capability during the 2009-2012 Season of CBA
    WANG Chang-you
    2013, 39 (2):  66-69. 
    Abstract ( 735 )   PDF (287KB) ( 1980 )   Save
    Using the ratio of RSR(rank sum ration) and statistical methods, the paper analyzes the basic situation and competition capacity of 97 foreign CBA players with the result indicating the they are characterized by their admirable height, bigger Quetelet indexes but senior ages. American players constitute the larger part with more mobility and more forwards and defenders than centers. There are Class A foreign players with outstanding individual ability but only a few( 4-8), mainly C and D players. Players of Class A and B with ordinary comprehensive abilities reach only 6-9 in each position with players of Class B taking up the main part.
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    Comparative Analysis of the Winners of the Four Grand Slams of 2012 Men's Tennis Singles
    LI Yan
    2013, 39 (2):  70-73. 
    Abstract ( 793 )   PDF (236KB) ( 1415 )   Save
    Using video observation, literature material and mathematical statistics, the paper conducts analyses and statistics of the winning points of the 2012 final four grand slam winners, with the result showing that top professionals win their grand slams mostly by depending on the following hitting patterns of forehand, service, backhand, volley, high pressure and drop shot.
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    Similarities between La La Gym and Aerobics
    LI Fang
    2013, 39 (2):  74-77. 
    Abstract ( 784 )   PDF (367KB) ( 2159 )   Save
    In recent years, China has witnessed the rapid development of la la gym and aerobics. The paper compares the similarities of the two, finding that they are similar in the requirements of comprehensive quality, the choice and composition of music, physical quality, the body language of dance, the expression, the training method and the content of psychological quality, the aesthetic value, the fitness value and social value. We should correctly understand and grasp the relationship between la la gym and performing aerobics because it will help to highlight their respective characteristics and provide references for the professionals concerned so as to promote their the orderly and healthy development in China.
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    Modern Ponderation and Target Construction of the Trainingof Top Ranking Athletes in Universities
    TANG Zhi-ming,YAN Yun
    2013, 39 (2):  78-82. 
    Abstract ( 689 )   PDF (423KB) ( 1859 )   Save
    The paper examines the construction and development of top ranking sports teams in Chinese universities and analyzes the defects in the training of ranking athletes. It suggests that the target of university ranking sports teams should stick to the philosophy of the training of “people” so as to realize the objectives of realizing sports values and training top ranking athletes. We should construct the targets by straightening out the learning, training and competition management system, broadening the selection channels of athletes and instructors, strengthening the integration of school teams and campus culture and improving the degree of scientific training.
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    Characteristics of Young and Old Men and Women BMD Changes after Resistance Exercises
    CHEN Jin-ao, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  83-88. 
    Abstract ( 756 )   PDF (1332KB) ( 2236 )   Save
    Methods 35 young men and women aging 20-30 and 35 old men and women aging 65-70 are randomly selected as the subjects and they are divided into 4 groups with different ages and genders.They are subject to five months of resistance training to their lower limbs , 3-4 times each week. Before and after the experiment, all the subjects’ lower limbs are tested with 12RM of the lower limbs and RM muscle testing, and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is used to measure the BMD of lumbar (L2 - L4) and the near-end femoral zone (femoral neck, Wards triangle, greater trochanter). Single factor analysis of variance and multiple comparison are later used to detect the differences of the experimental data of each group. At the same time, Pearson correlation analysis is adopted to judge the relationship between BMD and muscle strength. Conclusion all subjects’ BMD at near-end of the femoral zone increases significantly with no age or gender differences. Only the BMD at the femoral neck of some young subjects is higher than that in some old subjects.
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    Relationship between Excellent Chinese Male Boxers’ Personality, Volitional Quality,Psychological Tenacity and The Performance
    ZHU Da-peng, et al
    2013, 39 (2):  89-95. 
    Abstract ( 697 )   PDF (422KB) ( 1687 )   Save
    Psychological test is conducted to 34 elite male boxers in China with the result indicating that there is significant correlation between the boxers’ neurotic dimensions of personality and their performance (p < 0.05). No significant correlation is found between their volitional quality and performance(p > 0.05). The total scores of the boxers’ active work in their mental tenacity, pressure resistance dimension and mental tenacity indicate a significant correlation with their performance (p < 0.05), among which the total scores of the pressure resistance, pain endurance and mental tenacity have significant prediction effect of their sports performances(p < 0.05).
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