Journal of Chengdu Sport University ›› 2018, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 26-32.
• SPORTS HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCE • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Yinhang
Abstract: Taking as the research subject the northern school of Wushu in Taiwan, which opened up the modernization road of Taiwan Wushu, but was almost unknown to the Mainland during the cross-strait "estrangement period", the present paper discusses from the perspective of identification the four dimensions of the school, namely, an overview of the school based on a comparison of the Northern and Southern schools, the development opportunities for the northern school of Wushu as a result of the authorities' recognition and protection, the development of the northern school in Taiwan promoted by Wushu practitioners' voluntary identification of Chinese Wushu culture, and the spread outside Taiwan under the international need to identify Chinese culture. The results show that: although the northern school of Wushu was a "late comer", but it turned out to be the first to have prospered as a result of the favorable environment created by the authorities and the timely actions of the northern school community out of their identification of Chinese Wushu culture. The northern school of Wushu not only laid the foundation of development for today's Taiwan Wushu, but also took a lead in internationalizing Chinese contemporary Wushu in the process of catering to the international need to identify Chinese culture at the time. The study is to further expand the cross-strait "Wushu links" so as to strengthen the overall identification of Chinese culture and draw close relations across the Taiwan straits.
Key words: Wushu, identitification, the Mainland, Taiwan, the Northern school of Wushi, the Southern School of Wushu
CLC Number:
ZHANG Yinhang. Study on the Development of " the Northern School of Wushu" in Taiwan(1949-1987)under the Perspective of Identification[J]. Journal of Chengdu Sport University, 2018, 44(1): 26-32.
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