ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

Journal of Chengdu Sport University ›› 2024, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 79-88.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2024.06.010

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The Import and Export Trade of Sporting Goods between China and the United States and the Impact on Carbon Emissions under the "Double Carbon" Goal

ZENG Ziming , WEI Deyang, ZHANG Wenjing   

  1. School of Physical Education and Sport Science, Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou Fujian 350117
  • Received:2023-02-24 Revised:2024-07-20 Online:2024-11-15 Published:2024-12-10

Abstract: Studying the impact of sporting goods import and export trade on carbon emissions under the "Double Carbon" goal is of profound practical value in promoting the high-quality development of China's sports industry and helping to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by reaching peak carbon. Taking Sino-U.S. trade as the entry point, based on Chinese customs trade data, we use trade volume and standardized Herfindahl coefficients to portray characteristics of Sino-U.S. sporting goods trade, and use ARDL-ECM model to explore how the trade has an impact on carbon emissions. The results show that: (1) From the trade pattern, Sino-U.S. trade of sporting goods has been in a huge trade surplus for a long time, and the overall trade scale characteristic of "sports equipment > sports entertainment goods > sports shoes and clothing". (2) As for the carbon emission impact of trade, the carbon emission effects of the increase in the scale of imports and exports of Sino-U.S. sporting goods are similar, both of which have the dual effect of short-term carbon emission reduction and long-term carbon emission increase. Trade product diversification is conducive to improving energy efficiency and thus promoting carbon emission reduction, but low industrial structure is the main obstacle to low carbonization of sporting goods trade. (3) From the perspective of product categories, except that there is no cointegration relationship between the export trade of sports equipment and the change of carbon emissions, the import and export trade of other products can contribute to the long-term and short-term carbon emissions reduction, but different industries lead to different effects.

Key words: sporting goods, import and export trade, carbon emissions, trade scale, product structure, ARDL-ECM model

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