ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 63-67.

• SPORTS TRAINING AND COMPETITION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Analysis of the Technique Features of First Four Batsof World Excellent Men Single Badminton Players

CAI Li1,CHEN Bin2   

  1. 1. Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438;
    2. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou Fujian, 350002
  • Received:2014-09-29 Online:2014-12-20 Published:2014-12-30

Abstract: Depending on video observation statistics, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the paper conducts a comparative analysis to compare the players’ first four bats from service to return service and their service areas at the international and domestic competitions in 2013. The results reveal that “serving and receiving in the first four bats” and the skill level in “Service area”directly influence the next batting’s activeness or passiveness. The skill of Chinese players in “serving and receiving in the first four shoot”is still to be improved.

Key words: badminton, men's singles, techniques and tactics, first four bats

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