ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 120-126.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.01.022

• 学校体育学 • 上一篇    



  1. 重庆三峡学院,重庆 404020
  • 收稿日期:2015-06-24 出版日期:2016-01-15 发布日期:2016-01-27
  • 作者简介:张朝霖,硕士,副教授,研究方向:体育教学与训练,

Research on the Characteristics of Physical Education Expert Teachers’ and Primary Teachers’ Classroom Questioning Behavior

ZHANG Chaolin   

  1. Chongqing Three Gorges University , Wanzhou Chongqing
  • Received:2015-06-24 Online:2016-01-15 Published:2016-01-27

摘要: 目的:探讨体育教学专家与初级教师的课堂发问类型、候答技巧及理答技巧,为改善体育课堂教学、提升教学质量及增进初级体育教师快速成长提供重要参考。方法:采用文献资料法、录像拍摄及运动图像采集法,详细观察并统计两类体育教师每人各4堂体育课的发问行为。结果:(1)两类体育教师发问类型均以记忆性问题为主,其中专家教师在单节课发问数目、分析推理及评监批判性问题的发问率显著高于初级教师,而想象创造性问题的发问率则相反;(2)体育专家教师单个问题平均候答时间短于3秒,但却显著长于初级教师单问题均值,其中“教师指名对象”及“教师自问自答”是两类教师最常用的候答技巧且不存在候答时间上的差异,而在“教师重述问题”及“教师一问多答”候答技巧中,教学专家的候答时间明显长于初级教师;(3)理答技巧中,专家教师单节理答问题总量明显高于初级教师,且理答技巧运用最多的是“给予指导性答案”及“建议一个特别的活动”;(4)与非专长课相比,体育教学专家在专长课中有更多的发问行为,更多地运用评监批判性提问,更多地使用一问多答,更多地给予指导性答案。结论:初级体育教师与体育教学专家的发问类型、候答技巧及理答技巧三方面差异明显,故初级教师适当观摩专家教师的课堂教学非常必要。

关键词: 课堂发问, 理答技巧, 候答技巧, 行为特征

Abstract: Objective: To investigate question types and skills of eliciting and responding to answers used by physical education (PE) expert teachers’ and primary teachers’ to provide a reference for the improvement of teaching quality and development of primary PE teachers. Methods: Using literature review, video recording, motion picture capturing to make detailed observation and statistics of the questioning methods employed by the two types of teachers of each four in four sessions. Results: (1) the predominant questions raised by the two types of PE teachers in classroom were mainly memory-based questions. The number of questions raised by experts in a single class was significantly higher than that of primary teachers. As compared with primary teachers , experts raised more analytical, reasoning, commentary, and critical questions and less imaginary and creative questions; (2) Experts’ average waiting time for response was 3 seconds less that that of primary teachers, much longer than the duration for a single question used by primary teachers. The duration used by experts for question repetition and questions having multiple answers was significantly longer than that used by primary teachers; (3) in terms of answer-responding skills, experts spent more time on responding to students answers and used the skills of "giving guidance answers" and "suggesting a special activity" more often; 4) as compared with their behavior in non-special classes, experts have more questioning behaviors, use more commentary and critical questions and questions having multiple answers, and give more guidance answers. Conclusion: Primary PE teacher are considerably different from experts in using question types and skills of eliciting and responding to answers. Therefore, it is important for primary teachers to observe and learn form experts’ teaching behavior.

Key words: Classroom Questioning, Skill of Responding to Answers, Skill of Eliciting Answers, Behavior Characteristics


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