ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 106-110.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2015.05.020

• 运动训练与竞赛 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈 万1 ,田诗彬2, 刘 倩1, 张晓辉1, 黄 超1, 刘振宇3,李 岳4   

  1. 1.山东体育学院,山东 济南 250102;
    2.山东省微山县实验中学,山东 济宁 277600;
    3.山东省体育科学研究中心,山东 济南 250102;
    4.清华大学医学院生物医学工程系,北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2015-01-01 出版日期:2015-09-15 发布日期:2015-09-25
  • 作者简介:陈万,博士,教授,研究方向:运动与健身的生物学效应研究,E-mail:chenwan@139.com。
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics of Changes in Muscle Oxygen Content and the Related Indexes During High Intensity IntervalTraining

CHEN Wan1, TIAN Shibin2, LIU Qian1, ZHANG Xiaohui1, HUANG Chao1, LIU Zhenyu3, LI Yue4   

  1. 1. Shandong Sport University, Jinan Shandong 250102;
    2.Weishan Experimental Middle School, Jining Shandong 277600;
    3.Shandong Research Centre of Sport Science, Jinan Shandong 250102;
    4. Biomedical Engineering Department, Medical College of Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
  • Received:2015-01-01 Online:2015-09-15 Published:2015-09-25

摘要: 目的:探讨游泳运动员短时间高强度间歇训练过程中肌肉氧参数动态变化特征和规律,以及训练前后的血乳酸(LA)、心率(HR)、主观疲劳感觉(RPE)变化及相关性。方法:随机选取山东省游泳运动员(n=15)采用短时间高强度间歇训练模式,全力蹬踏功率自行车30秒、休息120秒、重复进行3次为一组、共2组,组间休息3-4分钟。连续监测受试者短时间高强度间歇训练过程中股外侧肌组织肌氧参数变化;每次全力蹬踏30秒后即刻测试受试者RPE;整个训练过程中实时同步监测HR,并于每次全力蹬踏30秒后即刻读取并记录受试者HR;分别在训练前后即刻取受试者指尖血10μL,测试LA值。结果:(1)全力蹬踏功率自行车过程中股外侧肌组织氧合血红蛋白含量(CHbO2)和局部组织肌氧饱和度(TOI)迅速下降、肌组织还原血红蛋白(CHb)迅速上升;(2)两组短时间高强度间歇训练后LA、HR、RPE都分别显著高于训练前(P<0.01);(3)训练前后的LA、HR、RPE之间具有高度相关性(P<0.01)。结论:(1)可通过近红外光谱技术监控短时间高强度间歇训练过程中肌组织中CHbO2、CHb、TOI动态变化趋势;(2)在短时间高强度间歇训练过程中,可以通过LA、HR、RPE直接有效地监控训练的强度。

关键词: 短时间高强度间歇训练, 近红外光谱技术, 氧饱和度, 血乳酸

Abstract: Purpose: The paper is to explore the characteristics and regular patterns of dynamic changes of muscle oxygen content during high intensity interval training in swimmers and to analyze the correlation of blood lactic acid (LA), heart rate (HR), ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) before and after the training. Methods: Swimmers (n=15) from Shandong province were selected randomly for moderate intensity-intermittent mode-training. Each subject was instructed to step on cycle ergometer with all his effort for 30s, then a rest for 120s, and this behavior was repeated 3 times (3 repetitions=1 session, all together 2 sessions, the resting time between both sessions was 180-240s). Muscle oxygen parameters of vastus lateralis in subjects were continuously monitored; RPE and HR were collected at the end of each 30s cycling; 10μl blood sample from fingertip for LA testing was collected before and after the training. Results:(1) During each 30s cycling, the oxygenated haemoglobin content (CHbO2) and oxygen saturation in local tissue (TOI) of vastus lateralis both decreased sharply, while the reduced hemoglobin (CHb) increased quickly; (2) For both sessions, the levels of LA, HR and RPE post-training were higher than those pre-training respectively (p<0.01); (3) There were high correlations between LA, HR and RPE before and after training respectively (p<0.01). Conclusion: (1) Near Infrared Spectroscopy could be used continuously and noninvasively in real time to monitor the dynamic changes of TOI, CHbO2 and CHb of working muscles, which reflected the training effect during training session; (2) For the individual high intensity interval training, LA, HR and RPE are effective indicators for monitoring the training session.

Key words: High Intensity Interval Training, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Oxygen Saturation, Blood Lactic Acid


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