ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 119-128.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.03.016

• 特色栏目:体育史 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 上海体育学院新闻与传播学院,上海 200438
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-18 修回日期:2022-12-11 发布日期:2023-07-04
  • 作者简介:贺蕾,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:体育文化传播;E-mail:helei@sus.edu.cn。

Investigating the Connotation of "Ticao" and "Tiyu" Before and After Renxu Educational System

HE Lei   

  1. School of Journalism and Communication in Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, 200438
  • Received:2022-06-18 Revised:2022-12-11 Published:2023-07-04

摘要: 文章考察了从“体操”“体育”最早出现于中国至《壬戌学制》颁布前后时人对这两个概念的认知和使用情形。结果显示:“体育”“体操”引入中国后并非混用,而是语用分明各有所指。《壬戌学制》取消“体操”科代之以“体育”科并不是简单的课程更名也不是在两个混用的概念中选择了其中一个并将二者定于一统。取消“体操”科代之以“体育”科,《壬戌学制》一方面顺应了当时改革旧学制“体操”科课程的民意所向,废止了以军国民教育为指导、仿自日本的“体操”科课程体系,另一方面明确了制定新学制“体育”科的课标方向,新建了以实用主义教育思想为指导的习自美国的“体育”科课程体系,近代中国学校体育自此转向。通过取消“体操”科代之以“体育”科,《壬戌学制》不仅再造了近代中国学校体育课程体系,而且改变了《壬戌学制》后的学校体育实践。但其将“体育”定为一“科”使得《壬戌学制》后“体育”的语用发生了变化,也为后来关于“体育”概念的争议埋下了伏笔。

关键词: 体操, 体育, 《壬戌学制》, 话语实践, 体育史

Abstract: This article examines people's perception and usage of these two concepts during the period from the appearance of "Ticao" and "Tiyu" in China to approximately the time of the promulgation of the "Renxu Educational System." After "Tiyu" and "Ticao" were introduced to China, they were not used interchangeably but were used separately. Therefore, this article argues that the cancellation of the "Ticao" course and its replacement by "Tiyu" course in the "Renxu Educational System" is not simply a renaming of the course or a choice between two mixed concepts. By replacing the "Ticao" course with the "Tiyu" course, the "Renxu Educational System" not only followed the popular sentiment of reforming the outdated "Ticao" curriculum but also abolished the Japanese-style "Ticao" curriculum system guided by the military national education, and established a new "Tiyu" curriculum system guided by practical education ideas originating from the United States. This marked a turning point for physical education in modern Chinese schools. By canceling the "Ticao" course and replacing it with the "Tiyu" course, the "Renxu Educational System" not only reestablished the physical education curriculum system in modern Chinese schools, but also changed the practice of physical education in schools after the "Renxu Educational System." In this sense, the decision to discontinue the "Ticao" course and replace it with the "Tiyu" course through "Renxu Educational System" was a form of discourse practice. However, by defining "Tiyu" as a "course" through the educational system, the pragmatic discourse related to "Tiyu" transformed after the "Renxu Educational System", which laid the groundwork for later controversies over the concept of "Tiyu."

Key words: Ticao (gymnastics), Tiyu (physical education), Renxu Educational System, discourse practice, sprot history


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