ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 14-20.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.01.003

• 中国体育国际传播能力专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


钟新, 蒋贤成   

  1. 中国人民大学新闻学院,北京 100872
  • 收稿日期:2021-10-20 修回日期:2021-12-20 出版日期:2022-01-15 发布日期:2022-01-30
  • 作者简介:钟新,中国人民大学人文奥运研究中心研究员,新闻学院教授。研究方向:国际传播和跨文化传播。E-mail:zhongxinruc@vip.sina.com。
  • 基金资助:

Global unity, multi-level dialogue, and emotional resonance: Tone, path, and vision of international communication for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in the digital era

ZHONG Xin, JIANG Xiancheng   

  1. School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China , Beijing 100872
  • Received:2021-10-20 Revised:2021-12-20 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-01-30

摘要: 北京2022冬奥会将会是一次“云端赛事”。中国应抓住云端冬奥的特点,以“全球同心”作为北京冬奥国际传播的基调,实现国际国内两个传播场的统一、民族精神与国际精神的统一。中国应以全民国际传播的思维部署冬奥传播体系,在传播内容上实现奥运会赛况传播、赛会组织运行情况传播、城市传播、国家形象传播、全球传播的层层递进,在传播主体上发挥运动员、媒体、政府、国内外民众的差异化传播潜能,在传播渠道与形式上凸显贴近性与娱乐性,促进不同主体之间的多元互动与广泛对话,同时应以公平竞争拼搏进取的竞技精神作为传播的原初内核,以同舟共济、守望相助的人类命运共同体精神作为传播的终极目标。

关键词: 北京冬奥会, 体育媒介化, 云端, 国际传播, 人类命运共同体

Abstract: The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will be mainly communicated to the world through digital technologiesin line with the development trajectory of immersive and personalized mediatization of sports events. China should seize the opportunities brought by digital communication to realize the unity of domestic and international communication, and the unity of national and international spirit, with "global unity" as the key tone. China should involve all Chinese people in the communication system of the Winter Olympic Games to realize the integratedcommunication of stories about the Olympic Games events, the athletes,the organization of the Games, the host city, the host country, and the global sports fans or general publics. China should make the stories more informative, more entertaining, and more accessible to world viewers. China should give full play to the differentiated communication potentials of athletes, media, government, and people at home and abroad, and promote the multifaceted interaction and extensive dialogues among different people. The international communication of Beijing Winter Olympic Games should take the spirit of fair competition and striving for progress as the original ideological core and the spirit of a community with a shared future for mankind as the ultimate goal. With the efforts of all, China will try to present a credible, lovable, and respectable national image, and promote the global public to achieve emotional resonance and enhance the courage to fight the COVID-19 pandemic together.

Key words: 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, sport mediatization, digital communication, international communication, a community with a shared future for mankind


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