ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 106-110.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.015

• 体育人文社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇


钟玉姣1,2, 许焰妮3   

  1. 1.清华大学 体育部,北京 100084;
    2.清华大学 社会科学学院,北京 100084;
    3.北京体育大学 管理学院,北京 100084
  • 发布日期:2021-01-29
  • 通讯作者: 许焰妮,讲师,博士,研究方向:体育产业政策与体育管理体制。E-mail: xuyanni@bsu.edu.cn 。
  • 作者简介:钟玉姣,硕士研究生,研究方向体育产业政策。E-mail Zhongyj19@mails.tsinghua.edu.com。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of Features of Industry Policies on the Integrated Development of Sport and Tourism

ZHONG Yujiao1,2, XU Yanni3   

  1. 1. Division of Sport Science and P.E, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;
    2. School of Social Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;
    3. School of Management, Beijing SportUniversity, Beijing 100084
  • Published:2021-01-29

摘要: 地方政府是国家体育产业政策的落实者,其政策再制定和政策执行效力关乎体育与旅游融合发展前景并直接影响体育强国建设目标的实现。文章采用内容分析法,借助政策工具框架,通过对2014年-2019年京津冀、长三角和珠三角3地区的8个省(市)出台的96份体育产业政策分析表明:结构失衡影响了地方体育产业政策推动体育与旅游融合的效力,具体表现为政策组合上重政府调控、轻市场引导,行政调控中强资源投入、弱信息统计,政策内容上匹配性较低、同质化明显。文章提出地方政府要在调动市场主体积极性、培育专业社会组织、落实配套政策、深化放管服改革、建立区域协同政策制定机制、建立多部门联席会议制度、完善统计制度、推进体育信息化建设等方面下功夫,因地制宜实现精准施策。

关键词: 体育产业政策, 政策工具, 产业融合, 精准施策, 体育旅游

Abstract: "Policies and strategies are the lifeline of the Party". Local governments implement national sports industry policies and promote the integrated development of sport and tourism, and their policy-making has a direct influence on industrial development. By means of content analysis and with reference to the framework for policy instruments, this paper analyzes the 96 policies on sports industry issued by 8 provincial (municipal) governments in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta from 2014 to 2019. Results show that structural imbalance of policy instruments influences the effect of local sport industry policies on promoting the integrated development of sport and tourism, which includes that the combined use of policies emphasizes government adjustment and neglects market guidance, the administrative adjustment attaches importance to input of resources and neglects statistics of information, and the policy content is low in matching level and has obvious homogeneity. Therefore, local governments are advised to make efforts in the aspects of motivating market players, cultivating professional social organizations, implementing supporting policies, deepening the reform of streamlining administration, delegating more powers to lower-level governments and society, improving regulation and optimizing services, establishing a regional collaborative policy-making mechanism, building an inter-ministerial joint meeting system, utilizing dividends of the Internet Plus, improving statistical standards, and regulating the market so as to precisely implement policies according to local conditions.

Key words: sport industry policy, policy instruments, industry integration, precisely implement policies, sports tourism


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