ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 71-78.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.01.010

• 体育人文社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇


倪京帅1, 徐士韦2, 王家宏3   

  1. 1.PE Department, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620;
    2. Sports Law Research Centre,Shanghai Institute of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201701;
    3.Jiangsu Sports Industry and Health Research Institute, Soochow University, Suzhou Jiangsu 215021
  • 发布日期:2021-01-29
  • 通讯作者: 徐士韦,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。研究方向:体育法学,E-mail: shiweiwu82@163.com。
  • 作者简介:倪京帅,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。研究方向体育文化传播,E-mailnijingshuai@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Cultural Education Policy for China's Athletes (1949-2019): Evolution characteristics and optimization strategy

NI Jingshuai1, XU Shiwei2, WANG Jiahong3   

  1. 1.PE Department, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620;
    2. Sports Law Research Centre,Shanghai Institute of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201701;
    3.Jiangsu Sports Industry and Health Research Institute, Soochow University, Suzhou Jiangsu 215021
  • Published:2021-01-29

摘要: 本研究选取1949-2019年中央层面的50份、地方层面现行有效的25份运动员文化教育政策文本,运用公共政策系统理论对政策文本中政策的数量、主体、主题、效力等进行分析,揭示新中国成立70年我国运动员文化教育政策的主要进展、演进特征及不足:指出政策制定从缺失到相对完善,培养目标亟需对接社会需要;政策内容从相关到具体,政策主题范围有待进一步扩展;政策执行从调控到支持,体育行政主体约束力较弱;政策评价从体育到教育领域,缺乏文化教育工作奖惩机制。基于此,提出优化策略:正视运动员的学生第一身份,精准定位运动员人才培养目标;建立文化教育治理体系,促进运动员培养回归国民教育系统;改革文化教育课程结构,疏通运动员升学就业渠道;提升法律政策文本效力,完善文化教育两级督导机制。

关键词: 新时代, 运动员, 文化教育, 政策效力

Abstract: This study selected 48 copies about the athlete culture education policy text of central level and 25 copies of the effective parts about the currency local level between 1949 and 2018, using the theory of policy system to analyze the Numbers, subjects, themes and effectiveness of these policies. It reveals the main progress evolution characteristics and shortage of Chinese athletes' cultural and educational policy in the 70 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China. From lack of policy making to relative improvement, the training objectives need to meet the needs of the society; Policy content from relevant to specific, the scope of policy themes needs to be further expanded; Policy implementation from regulation to support, the binding force of sports administrative body is weak; Policy evaluation from physical education to education; lack of reward and punishment mechanism for cultural and educational work. Based on this, optimization strategies were put forward such as facing up to the student identity of athletes and accurately positioning the objectives of athletes talent training objectives; Establishment of cultural and educational governance system and promoting athletes' training to return to the national education system; reforming the curriculum structure of cultural education and dredging the channels of athletes' entering and employment;enhancing the effectiveness of legal policy texts and improving the two-level supervision mechanism of culture and education .

Key words: New era, Athletes, Cultural education, Policy effectiveness


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