ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 121-126.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.04.019

• 域外视野 • 上一篇    


塞尔吉奥·雷蒙多1, 王永顺2   

  1. 1.卡西诺和南拉齐奥大学人文社科学院,意大利 卡西诺 03043;
    2.华侨大学体育学院,福建 厦门 361021
  • 出版日期:2020-07-15 发布日期:2020-07-21
  • 通讯作者: 王永顺,博士,副教授,研究方向:体育历史与文化。E-mail:wangyongshunchina@126.com。
  • 作者简介:塞尔吉奥·雷蒙多, 博士, 教授, 陈式太极拳外籍弟子, 研究方向:中国武术、体育史、经济史。E-mail: sergio.raimondo@unicas.it。
  • 基金资助:

Martial Arts and Contemporary Dance:Rhythmic Convergences of the Human Body

Sergio Raimondo1 , WANG Yongshun2   

  1. 1.University of Cassino and South Lazio, Italy Cassino 03043;
    2. Huaqiao University, Xiamen Fujian 361021
  • Online:2020-07-15 Published:2020-07-21

摘要: 著名的汉学家马塞尔·格拉内特指出,阴阳理论所传达的世界观概念是基于通用的节奏效率。此外,节奏这一概念也被认为是新科学范式的基础。近几十年,这些科学范式被用以讨论复杂理论,并旨在超越笛卡尔——牛顿简化论。舞蹈和搏击类运动是两种人类最常体验到的与整体节奏感有关的身体活动。近几十年来,西方当代舞蹈与东方搏击类运动之间的交流也越来越频繁。文章通过相关文献和图片分析东方搏击类运动和冥想技巧与西方古典和现代舞蹈之间的融合。西方当代舞蹈的不同趋势衍生出了四类表演,且从这四类表演中能明显看出其对亚洲搏击类运动的技巧、理念、走位与布景的借鉴。研究结果表明,文章中所分析的搏击类运动与舞蹈融合的案例体现出了表演、戏剧与仪式之间原始关系,这是古代社会象征的回归。美学享受保留了对象的真实感,同时在主观行动的影响下,创造出将人体合而为一的艺术体验。研究认为,亚洲搏击类运动是基于阴阳理论所展现的通用节奏效率,西方舞蹈重现了搏击类运动所包含的艺术成分,因而也再次寻求了这些搏击类运动哲学理念的基础:和谐,美好与宁静。

关键词: 博击类运动, 舞蹈, 节奏效率, 肢体语言

Abstract: According to the famous sinologist Marcel Granet, the concept of the world expressed by the Yin/Yang theory, is based on the universal efficiency of rhythm. The concept of rhythm is also fundamental to the new scientific paradigms which, in recent decades, have been discussing new theories of complexity, in order to go beyond Cartesian-Newtonian reductionism. Dance and martial arts are the two human experiences where individuals most experience the whole sense of rhythm. In recent decades increasingly frequent encounters between Western contemporary dance and Eastern martial arts have been developing.Analysis of classical and contemporary dance meeting combining with Eastern martial arts and meditation techniques. Different currents of contemporary dance produced four shows containing clear references to the techniques, philosophy, situations and scenarios of Asian martial arts. These performances are analysed by relevant literature and pictures.The experiences of the fusion of martial arts and dance that we analysed seem to re-discover the primal tie between play, drama and ritual, that was a characteristic of ancient societies. The aesthetic pleasure saves the reality of the object, which is, at the same time, under the influence of the subjective action; the result is an experience of artistic creativity which involves the human body as a whole.Asian martial arts are based on the universal efficiency of rhythm expressed by the Yin/Yang theory. Dance re-discovers the artistic component of martial arts, thus starting again the search for harmony, beauty and peace which are the basis of the philosophy of martial arts.

Key words: primal ties;game;drama;ritual;efficiency of rhythm;physical dialogue


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