ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 112-121.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2020.03.018

• 学者共识 • 上一篇    下一篇


李丹阳1, 赵焕彬2, 杨世勇3, 李春雷4, 闫琪5, 史东林6, 王雄7, 尹晓峰8, 牛雪松9, 曹晓东1, 李山10, 李豪杰11, 孙君志3, 史衍12, 李赞13, 戴剑松14, 任占兵15, 史兵16, 张婧16, 曲国洋17, 甄志平18, 刘俊一19, 于亮20, 裘鹏21, 邹晓峰21, 张利锋3, 杜长亮22, 黄彩华23, 黄岩24, 胡晓燕25, 张卫26, 牛永刚27, 马瑞28, 张秀丽29, 徐飞30, 赵华31, 李恩荆31, 崔运坤32, 黄森33, 黄信嘉34, 张琰35, 黄展煜36, 王川37, Georgios Nassis38, 路文平19, 吕万刚1   

  1. 1.武汉体育学院,湖北 武汉 430079;
    2.河北师范大学,河北 石家庄 050020;
    3.成都体育学院,四川 成都 610041;
    4.北京体育大学 体能训练学院,北京 100084;
    5.国家体育总局体育科学研究所,北京 100061;
    6.河北体育学院,河北 石家庄 050011;
    7.国家体育总局训练局,北京 100061;
    8.上海体育科学研究所,上海 200030;
    9.沈阳体育学院,辽宁 沈阳 110102;
    10.西安体育学院,陕西 西安 710068;
    11.吉林体育学院,吉林 长春 130022;
    12.首都体育学院,北京 100191;
    13.天津体育学院,天津 301617;
    14.南京体育学院,江苏 南京 210014;
    15.深圳大学,广东 深圳 518061;
    16.陕西师范大学 体育学院,陕西 西安710062;
    17.山东体育学院,山东 济南250102;
    18.北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京 100875;
    19.东北师范大学 体育学院,吉林 长春 130021;
    20.北京体育大学 运动人体科学学院,北京 100084;
    21.吉林大学,吉林 长春 130024;
    22.南京航空航天大学,江苏 南京 210016;
    23.厦门理工学院,福建 厦门 361024;
    24.北京市体育科学研究所,北京 100075;
    25.广东体育职业技术学院,广东 广州 510663;
    26.广州体育职业技术学院,广东 广州 510650;
    27.安阳师范学院,河南 安阳 455000;
    28.上海师范大学,上海 200234;
    29.华南师范大学,广东 广州 510631;
    30.杭州师范大学,浙江 杭州311121;
    31.华中师范大学,湖北 武汉 430079;
    32.泰山学院,山东 泰安 27100028;
    33.湖南省体育科学研究所,湖南 长沙 410008;
    34.特乐扩运动防护研究院,广东 广州 511442;
    35.北京赫石体育文化发展有限公司,北京 101300;
    36.卡迪夫城市大学 卡迪夫体育与健康科学学院,英国 威尔士 卡迪夫CF23 6XD;
    37.中康美复康复诊所,北京 1000060;
    38.南丹麦大学,丹麦 欧登赛 999017
  • 收稿日期:2020-03-01 出版日期:2020-05-15 发布日期:2020-06-02
  • 通讯作者: 吕万刚,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:体能训练理论前沿;体育公共治理。E-mail:937757336@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:李丹阳,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:体能训练理论前沿。E-mail:ldyeee@hotmail.com。
  • 基金资助:

Expert Consensus of Early Specialized Training in Adolescent

LI Danyang1, ZHAO Huanbin2, YANG Shiyong3, LI Chunlei4, YAN Qi5, SHI Donglin6, WANG Xiong7, YIN Xiaofeng8 , NIU Xuesong9, CHAO Xiaodong1, LI Shan10, LI Haojie11, SUN Junzhi3, SHI Yan12, LI Zan13, DAI jiansong14, REN Zhanbing15, SHI Bing16, ZHANG Jing16, QU Guoyang17, ZHEN Zhiping18, LIU Junyi19, YU Liang20, QIU Peng21, ZOU Xiaofeng21, ZHANG Lifeng3, DU Changliang22, HUANG Caihua23, HUANG Yan24, HU Xiaoyan25, ZHANG Wei26, NIU Yonggang27, MA Rui28, ZHANG Xiuli29, XU Fei30, ZHAO Hua31, LI Enjing31, CUI Yunkun32, HUANG Sen33, HUANG Xinjia34, ZHANG Yan35, HUANG Zhanyu36, WANG Chuan37, GEORGIOS Nassis38, LU Wenping19, LV Wangang1   

  1. 1. Wuhan Sport of University,Wuhan Hubei 430079;
    2. Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang Hebei 050020;
    3. Chengdu Sport University,Chengdu Sichuan 610041;
    4. Physical Training College of Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084;
    5. China Institute of Sports Science,Beijing 100061;
    6. Hebei Sport University,Shijiazhuang Hebei 050011;
    7. National Sports Training Center,Beijing 100061;
    8. Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science,Shanghai 200030;
    9. Shenyang Sport University,Shenyang Liaoning 110102;
    10. Xi'an Physical Education University,Xi'an Shanxi 710068;
    11. Jilin Sport University,Changchun Jilin 130022;
    12. Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191;
    13. Tianjin Sport University,Tianjin 301617;
    14. Nanjing Sports Institute,Nanjing Jiangsu 210014;
    15. Shenzhen University ,Shenzhen Guangdong 518061;
    16. Institute of Physical Education,Shanxi Normal University,Xi'an Shanxi 710062;
    17. Shandong Sport University,Jinan Shandong 250102;
    18. College of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875;
    19. Northeast Normal University School of Physical Education,Changchun Jilin 130021;
    20. Sport Science School,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084;
    21. Jilin University,Changchun Jilin 130024;
    22. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing Jiangsu 210016;
    23. Xiamen University of Technology,Xiamen Fujian 361024;
    24. Beijing Research Institute of Sport Science,Beijing 100075;
    25. Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sports,Guangzhou Guangdong 510663;
    26. Guangzhou Ploytechnic of Sports,Guangzhou Guangdong 510650;
    27. Anyang Normal University,Anyang Henan 455000;
    28. Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234;
    29. South China Normal University,Guangzhou Guangdong 510631;
    30. Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 311121;
    31. Central China Normal University,Wuhan Hubei 430079;
    32. Taishan University,Taian Shandong 271000;
    33. Hunan Institute of Sport Science,Changsha Hunan 410008;
    34. Academy of TNQ Athletic therapist ,Guangzhou Guangdong 511442;
    35. Beijing Heshi Sport Culture LTD CO,Beijing 100084;
    36. Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences ,Cardiff Metropolitan University,Cardiff Wales United Kingdom CF236XD;
    37. Sinorehab Physical Therapy Clinic,Beijing 1000060;
    38. University of Southern Denmark,Odense The Kingdom of Denmark 999017
  • Received:2020-03-01 Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-06-02

摘要: 青少年早期专项化训练(Early sport specialization,ESS)是关乎青少年竞技运动训练科学化的重要问题,也是国内外体育科学领域持续关注的热点问题。通过文献资料法,明晰青少年早期专项化的概念,梳理早期专项化的基本内涵,归纳青少年早期专项化训练的国际经验及可能导致的负面影响,提出青少年专项化训练科学化的应对之策。基于此,拟定如下学者共识:第一、青少年早期专项化训练是指在青春期之前围绕一个特定运动项目进行的高强度的训练;第二、尽管诸如体操、跳水等运动项目要求很早(6~9岁)进行专项化训练,但绝不能忽视早期专项化训练极易对动作技能学习、运动技能学习、体能训练科学化、长期职业生涯发展及身体健康等造成的不良影响;第三、对于大多数运动项目来说,青少年相对较晚的进行专项化训练、或早期进行多样化训练且在晚期进行高水平专项化训练,成年后在竞技体育领域获得成功的概率更高;第四、技术主导类项目可以在正确动作模式基础上开展早期专项化训练,训练过程中应高度关注动作质量,避免出现动作模式异常诱发运动损伤;第五、青少年专项训练科学化的根本在于建立集体能、技术、战术、心理、运动智商及人文素养于一体的训练体系;第六、青少年专项训练科学化的关键在于依据生理年龄和身体机能发育特征,强化青少年各个时期体能训练科学化;第七、青少年早期专项化训练的综合应对策略为:选择合适的早期专项化训练时机、构建青少年长期发展模型、强化青少年多样化训练、训练与监控充分结合,以及建立与年龄相适应的赛事体系;第八、倡导以健康和快乐作为青少年参与体育运动的价值导向,以培养终身体育素养作为青少年参与体育运动的根本目标。

关键词: 早期专项化训练, 多样化训练, 青少年体能训练, 青少年长期发展模型

Abstract: Early sports specialization (ESS) is an important issue related to the scientific training of young people's competitive sports, and it is also a hot issue in the field of sports science internationally. Through the review of literature, the concept of early sports specialization is clarified, the basic connotation of early sports specialization is discussed, the international experience of early sports specialization training and its possible negative effects are summarized, and the coping strategies of scientific sports specialization training are put forward. There was consensus as follows: First, early special training for young people refers to the high intensity of training carried out around a specific sport before puberty; second, although such sports as gymnastics and diving require early specialized training, there must be no neglect of the adverse effects of early specialized training on motor skills learning, motor skills learning, scientific physical training, long-term career development and physical health;third,For most sports, young people are more likely to be successful in the field of competitive sports when they reach adulthood through relatively late specialized training or early diversified training and high-level specialized training ; Forth,technical leading projects can carry out early special training on the basis of correct movement patterns, and should always pay close attention to the quality of action during the training process and avoid the emergence of different movement patterns;Fifth,the scientific basis of special training for young people lies in the establishment of a training system that integrates physical, technical , tactical, psychological ability, sports intelligence and humanistic literacy; Sixth, the key to scientific special training for young people lies in: strengthening the scientific physical training of young people in all periods according to their physiological age and physical function development;Seventh, comprehensive coping strategies of early-stage special training for adolescents: choosing appropriate early specific training timing, the construction of a long-term youth development model, strengthen youth diversity training, efficient combination of training and monitoring, as well as the establishment of age-appropriate competition system; eighth, advocate health and happiness as the value-oriented youth participation in sports, to cultivate lifelong sports literacy as the fundamental goal of youth participation in sports activity.

Key words: early specialized training, multiple training, youth strength and conditioning, long-term development model for adolescence


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