ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 1-6.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.02.001

• 体育新闻传播研究专题 •    下一篇


万晓红1, 周榕2, 李雪贝3   

  1. 武汉体育学院 新闻传播学院,湖北 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2018-09-13 出版日期:2019-03-15 发布日期:2019-04-03
  • 作者简介:万晓红,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:体育新闻传播,E-mail:497232154@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Discussion on the Conversational Transmission Path of Sports Event Disputes in the Context of Social Media——Taking the 3,000-Meter Short Track Speed Skating Penalty Event at Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as An Example

WAN Xiaohong1, ZHOU Rong2, LI Xuebei3   

  1. School of Journalism &Communication,Wuhan Sports Univ,Wuhan 430079
  • Received:2018-09-13 Online:2019-03-15 Published:2019-04-03

摘要: 对话被视为传播本质特征的价值回归,是特定语境下传者与受者参与信息交流、实现角色互换、构建互动关系的双向传播过程。社会化媒体语境下,对话和协商成为平复体育争议、达成共识的不二之选。本研究基于巴赫金的“对话理论”以及格鲁尼格、亨特的“双向对等模式”理论,以平昌冬奥会女子3 000米短道速滑判罚事件的社会化媒体传播为研究对象,运用“过程—事件”分析法,探讨赛事组织与公众实现双向平等互动的对话传播路径。研究发现,在全球性体育媒介事件的争议性议题的传播中,赛事组织方应当采取双向对等的对话范式,有效运用社会化媒体,实现与公众的对话和良性互动,从而构建赛事组织的良好形象。在争议性事件的冲突性话语语境下,第三方话语同盟的构建,对于消解利益相关方的敌意、赢得意见领袖认同,具有重要意义。此外,在回应体育争议时,采取以感性话语传递理性诉求,展示赛事组织方的对话诚意,能够有效影响受众观念的改变。

关键词: 体育争议, 对话, 社会化媒体, 平昌冬奥会, 女子短道3000米速滑

Abstract: Dialogue is regarded as the return of communication's essential characteristics. It is a two-way process under specific context in which the transmitter and the receiver participate in information and role exchange, and construct interactive relationships. With the development of social media, launching dialogue and negotiation have become the best choices for reconciling sports disputes and reaching consensus.This study is based on Bakhtin's dialogic theory and “two-way symmetrical model” brought by the Grunigs and Hunt. By applying the “process to case” analysis method, it uses the women’s 3000m short track speed skating events in Pyeongchang Winter Olympics as the sample to discuss how to achieve a two-way equal transmission path for the organizers and the public. The study found that in the dissemination of controversial issues among global sports media,the organizers of the event should employ a two-way dialogue paradigm, exploiting social media to converse and interact with the public, thus building a positive image of the event.In the context of conflicting discourse of controversial events, the construction of third-party discourse alliances is of great significance for dissolving the hostility of stakeholders and winning the recognition of opinion leaders. Besides, in response to sports disputes, the use of perceptual discourse to convey the rational appeal and to show the sincerity of the dialogue from the organizers can effectively influence attitudes of the audience.

Key words: sports disputes, communication, social media, Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, women's 3000m short track speed skating


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