ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 35-41.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2023.03.006

• 体育产业 • 上一篇    下一篇


鲁志琴1, 陈林祥2, 沈玲丽3   

  1. 1.盐城师范学院体育学院,江苏 盐城 224002;
    2.武汉体育学院经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉430079;
    3.武汉体育学院研究生院,湖北 武汉 430079
  • 收稿日期:2022-10-11 修回日期:2023-02-17 发布日期:2023-07-04
  • 作者简介:鲁志琴,博士,副教授,研究方向:体育人文社会学;E-mail:luzhiqin12@sina.com。
  • 基金资助:
    江苏省社科基金重点项目“体育产业成为江苏经济支柱产业的机制与路径研究”(22TYA001);江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目“江苏省体育产业营商环境优化策略研究”(2022SJYB2046);江苏省高等学校大学生创新创业训练计划项目“江苏体育旅游发展现状与对策”(202210324 032Z)。

Development Trend, Challenges and Countermeasures of Digital Development of Sports Industry in China

LU Zhiqin1, CHEN Linxiang2, SHEN Lingli3   

  1. 1. School of Physical Education, Yancheng Teachers University, Yancheng Jiangsu 224002;
    2. School of Economics and Management,Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan Hubei 430079;
    3. Graduate School, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan Hubei 430079
  • Received:2022-10-11 Revised:2023-02-17 Published:2023-07-04

摘要: 体育产业数字化发展是我国体育产业高质量发展的内在需求和重要举措。通过文献资料法、专家访谈法等研究方法,分析我国体育产业数字化发展的趋势与挑战,并根据实际情况提出具体对策。研究发现:我国体育产业数字化发展受众群体不断增加,头部企业集聚效应不断增强,市场发展规范程度不断提高,体育产业数字付费习惯逐渐养成。同时也面临如下挑战:盈利模式尚不成熟;要素资源集聚融合不深;容错机制不够健全;国际竞争力亟待提升。并提出具体对策:拓展数字体育产业价值链;完善数字体育产业空间链;夯实数字体育产业供需链;强化数字体育产业企业链。

关键词: 体育产业, 数字化发展, 数字经济, 体育消费, 发展对策

Abstract: The digital development of sports industry derives from the internal demand and is an important measure for the high-quality development of sports industry in China. This paper analyzes the development trend and challenges of the digital development of sports industry in China through the methods of literature review and expert interview. and puts forward specific countermeasures according to Chinese actual situation. The research found that: the audience of sports industry digital development in China is increasing, the agglomeration effect of head enterprises is increasing, the standard degree of market development is improving, and the habit of digital payment in sports industry is gradually formed. At the same time, there remain the following challenges: the profit model is not mature; the agglomeration and integration of elements resources is not deep; the fault tolerance mechanism is not perfect; international competitiveness needs to be improved urgently. Specific countermeasures are put forward as follows: expand the value chain of digital sports industry; improve the spatial chain of digital sports industry; strengthen the supply and demand chain of digital sports industry; strengthen the enterprise chain of digital sports industry.

Key words: sports industry, digitalized development, digital economy, sports consumption, development countermeasures


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