ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 84-90.

• 运动人体科学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.国家体育总局运动医学研究所,国家运动营养测试研究中心,国家体育总局运动营养重点实验室,北京100061;
  • 收稿日期:2013-02-08 修回日期:2014-01-03 出版日期:2013-05-01 发布日期:2014-01-03
  • 作者简介:胥靓(1981-),女,汉族,山西人。通讯作者伊木清。
  • 基金资助:

Mild Increases in Rats Skeletal Muscle ER Expression of Molecular Chaperoneand Improvement of Glucose Metabolism by Endurance Trainingand Moderate Caloric Restriction

XU Liang, et al   

  1. Sports Medicine Institute, State General Administration of Sports, Beijing 100084
  • Received:2013-02-08 Revised:2014-01-03 Online:2013-05-01 Published:2014-01-03

摘要: 目的研究耐力训练和适量限食对骨骼肌内质网(endoplasmic reticulum, ER)分子伴侣表达及糖代谢改善的影响。方法37只SD大鼠分为安静组(S)、限食安静组(DS)、训练组(T)和限食训练组(DT),训练大鼠采用递增负荷游泳耐力训练,限食大鼠进食量为正常进食组的70%,实验期4周。采用RT-PCR和western blotting方法分别检测骨骼肌ER应激蛋白GRP78及ORP150的mRNA和蛋白表达,并测定血糖(blood glucose, BG)、空腹血清胰岛素(fasting serum insulin, FINS)、血浆胰高血糖素(glucagon, GLU)和股四头肌肌糖原(glycogen, Gn)、己糖激酶(hexokinase, HK)、丙酮酸激酶(pyruvate kinase,PK)活性。结果(1)训练和限食及训练+限食轻度上调GRP78或ORP150 mRNA (+24%-43%, P > 0.05)及蛋白(15%-30%,P > 0.05)表达;(2)训练和限食显著降低体重和体脂,训练+限食作用更明显;限食明显降低安静BG,训练+限食显著减慢BG恢复速度;训练和限食显著降低FINS水平,训练+限食使其降低幅度更大;限食明显增加胰岛素敏感性(insulin sensitivity index, ISI);训练、训练+限食明显增加HK活性,训练和限食略增加、训练+限食明显提高Gn含量;GRP78和ORP150 mRNA表达与Gn含量显著正相关,ORP150蛋白表达与ISI显著正相关,Gn与HK显著正相关。结论4周递增负荷游泳耐力训练和适量限食轻度上调了骨骼肌GRP78/ORP150表达,BG降低及其造成的肌细胞内游离糖水平低是可能的诱因;耐力训练和适量限食改善骨骼肌糖代谢,耐力训练与适量限食相结合的效果更好。

关键词: 耐力训练, 限食, ER应激, GRP78和ORP150表达, 糖代谢

Abstract: Purpose The purpose is to study the effect of endurance training and moderate caloric restriction on the molecular chaperone of endoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle and glucose metabolism. Methods 37 SD rats were divided into silent group(S), diet-silent group (DS), training group (T) and diet-training group (DT) to undertake swimming endurance training by increasing load, during which the D group's food intake was only 70% of the normal groups for four weeks. RT-PCR and western blotting were adopted respectively to detect skeletal muscle ER, stress protein GRP78 and the mRNA and protein expression of ORP150. Blood glucose(BG), fasting serum insulin(FINS), plasma glucagon(GLU), the glycogen(Gn) of quadriceps femoris, hexokinase (HK), and the activity of pyruvate kinase(PK) were also detected. Results (1) training and diet as well as training+diet mildly increased GRP78 and ORP150 mRNA (+ 24% to 43%, P > 0.05) and protein expression (15% - 15%, P > 0.05); (2) training and diet significantly reduced body weight and body fat while training + diet displayed more obvious effect; diet significantly reduced silence BG, training + diet significantly slowed BG's recovery; training and diet significantly reduced the level of FINS while training+diet reduced it more. Diet significantly increased insulin sensitivity (ISI); Training and training +diet largely increased HK's activity and training +diet obviously increased the Gn content; the expression of GRP78 and ORP150 mRNA exhibited significantly positive correlation and so did the protein expression of ORP150 and ISI followed by Gn and HK. Conclusion 4 weeks of increasing load swimming endurance training and moderate diet mildly increased the expression of skeletal muscle/ORP150 GRP78, the possible reason of which might be the reduction of BG and its low level of free sugar. Endurance training and moderate diet improves the sugar metabolism of skeletal muscle and endurance training combined with moderate diet could produce better effect.

Key words: endurance training, diet, ER stress, expression of GRP78 and ORP150, sugar metabolism


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