ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 1-6.

• 体育人文社会科学 •    下一篇



  1. 1.上海师范大学体育学院,上海200234;
  • 收稿日期:2012-12-04 修回日期:2014-01-03 出版日期:2013-03-01 发布日期:2014-01-03
  • 作者简介:王国红(1977-),女,满族,辽宁鞍山人,讲师,硕士,主要研究方向体育社会学。

Perspective Transformation and meaning reconstruction——Interpretation on sports activities from the body perspective

Wang Guo-hong1,Zhang Wen-hui2   

  1. 1.Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234;
    2.Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, Shanghai 201620
  • Received:2012-12-04 Revised:2014-01-03 Online:2013-03-01 Published:2014-01-03

摘要: 从身体的视角窥探体育,是一个新颖和必需的理路,可以帮助我们发现存在于体育活动场域中一个个活生生的身体背后,那些隐匿的文化和社会烙印,帮助我们窥见隐匿在体育活动背后的本质和真相。体育作为一种体化实践,首先需要身体在场,完全依赖身体的参与方能构成。随着身体视角的觉醒,体育活动应当在新的意义上被诠释关怀身体理应成为体育活动的人文维度,提升生命质量构成了体育活动的个体维度,引领精神是体育活动应当内在承载的社会维度。

关键词: 身体, 身体社会学, 体育, 体化实践

Abstract: It is a novel and essential research point to discuss sports from the perspective of the human bodies, . Which can help us find not only the hidden cultural and social traces in the living bodies in sports fields but also the essence and truth behind sports activities. As an incorporating practice, sports need the physical presence of body, entirely relying on the participation of the bodies. With the awakening of the body perspective, sports activities should be interpreted based on a new meaning. Caring for the body should become the humanistic dimension of the sports activities, improving the quality of life should be the ultimate goal of sports activities and leading spirit should be the inherent content filled with social care.

Key words: body, sport, incorporating practice


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