ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 73-77.

• 体育人文社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西安体育学院体育教育系,陕西西安710068
  • 出版日期:2013-02-15 发布日期:2014-01-03

Influence of Resistance Training on Strength and Coordination under the Condition of Unstable Support

 LIU  Yao-Rong   

  1. Xian Institute of Physical Education, Xian Shanxi 710068
  • Online:2013-02-15 Published:2014-01-03

摘要: 目的:探讨不稳定支撑条件下阻力训练对肌肉力量和协调能力的影响。方法:以15名男性受试者为测试对象,通过ME6000肌电遥测系统,测试受试者在坚硬支撑面和平衡软踏(Pad balance)两种不同支撑条件下负重和不负重半蹲时左侧股直肌(RF)、股二头肌(BF)、胫骨前肌(TA)、腓肠肌(MG)、竖脊肌(ES)和腹直肌(RA)收缩过程的表面肌电(iEMG)变化特征并对测试结果进行分析。结果:稳定支撑状态下不负重半蹲时被测试肌群RF、BF、TA、MG、ES和RA的iEMG值分别为30.78±7.97、150.44±65.74、338.11±114.93、55.33±17.61、758.44±248.98和56.89±20.49?V.s;不稳定支撑状态下分别为36.78±9.31、170.78±58.84、418.22±96.71、85.89±42.79、1012.89±210.38和63.33±22.53?V.s。相对于稳定条件,不稳定条件下测试肌群的iEMG分别增加了20%、13.33%、23.67%、55.23%、33.51%和12.50%,组间具有统计学差异。胫骨前肌iEMG显著大于其它测试肌群(P<0.05)。 结论:不稳定支撑界面增大了神经系统活性和肌肉募集水平,支撑近端神经肌肉募集方式的调整是人体维持稳定和协调能力的基本保证。

关键词: 不稳定支撑, 阻力训练, 力量, 协调

Abstract: Purpose: the paper is to study the influence of resistance training on muscle strength and coordination ability under the conditions of unstable support. Methods: 15 male subjects are used as testing objects to test the iEMG changes in the process of contraction and analyze the test results of their left RF and BF, TA, MG, ES and RA of loaded and non-loaded situations when half squatting under the two different supporting conditions (hard supporting surface and pad balance)through the ME6000 myoelectricity telemetry system.  Results: the iEMG values of the tested muscle groups of RF, BF, TA, MG, ES and RA under the condition of half squat with load and stable support are 30.78 + / - 7.97, 150.44 + / - 65.74, 338.11 + / - 114.93, 55.33 + / - 17.61, 758.44 + / - 248.98 and 56.89 + / - 20.49? V.s; while with unstable support, the values are 36.78 + / - 9.31, 170.78 + / - 58.84, 418.22 + / - 96.71, 85.89 + / - 42.79, 1012.89 + / - 210.38 and 63.33 + / - 22.53? V.s. Relative to the stable condition, the  iEMGs of the tested muscle groups under unstable condition increase by 20%, 13.33%, 23.67%, 55.23%, 33.51% and 12.50%, with statistical significance between groups and the iEMG significantly of tibialis significantly greater than other tested muscle groups (P < 0.05). Conclusion: unstable support interface increases the nervous system activity and muscle gathering level. The adjustment of the neuromuscular gathering mode is the basic guarantee to maintain the stability and coordination of the human body.

Key words: unstable support, resistance training, power, coordination

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