ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 110-116.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2022.02.018

• 学校体育学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 浙江师范大学教师教育学院,浙江 金华 321004
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-10 修回日期:2022-01-10 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-04-07
  • 作者简介:邵天逸,博士,浙江师范大学在站博士后,研究方向:体育思想与学校体育理论。E-mail:sty123@zjnu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Experience Standard: Bobbitt's View of Physical Education and Its Practical Implication

SHAO Tianyi   

  1. College of teacher education, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua Zhejiang 321004
  • Received:2021-01-10 Revised:2022-01-10 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-04-07

摘要: 引鉴国外教育家教育理论及其体育观有助于开拓我国体育课程教学改革思路。文章运用文献资料、文本分析与逻辑思辨法探讨现代课程论开创者博比特体育课程观的由来、价值定位、核心内容及当代启示。研究认为,博比特的体育观源于20世纪初美国社会效率思想的影响、斯宾塞与霍尔思想的传承和发展以及个人实地调研的思考,“经验本位”是博比特体育课程观的立论基点,博比特体育观的核心内容为:人类身体能量交换如同蓄水池水流进出;游戏的教育价值在于维系人格;重现疾病抗争史视角是健康教育的有效路径。在此基础上,结合我国体育课程教学现状,提出博比特体育观的现实启示:为有效促进青少年学生体质健康提供了理论依据,重视学校体育“体育品德”维系机制的探索,关注体育健康教育的内容与方法的创新。

关键词: 博比特, 体育课程, 身体效率, 人格维系, 健康教育, 学校体育

Abstract: The introduction of foreign educators' educational theory and physical education view helps to open up the ideas of physical education curriculum teaching reform in China. In view of the lack of research on Bobbit's physical education theory, this paper discusses the origin, value orientation, core content and contemporary implication of the physical education curriculum view of Bobbit - founder of modern curriculum theory - by using the methods of literature, text analysis and logical speculation. The results show that Bobbit's view of physical education originates from the influence of American social efficiency thought in the early 20th century, the inheritance and development of Spencer and Hall's thought and his personal field study. “Experience standard” is the starting point of Bobbit's view of physical education curriculum. The core content of Bobbit's view of physical education is: the exchange of human body energy flows in and out like a reservoir; the educational value of games lies in maintaining personality; reproducing the history of disease resistance is an effective way of health education. On this basis, combined with the current situation of physical education curriculum teaching in China, this paper discusses the practical implication of Bobbit's view of physical education: it provides a theoretical basis for effectively promoting the physical health of young students, and attention should be drawn to the exploration of the maintenance mechanism of “sports morality” in school physical education, and the innovation of the content and methods of physical health education.

Key words: Bobit, courses of PE, physical efficiency, personality maintenance, health education, school physical education


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