ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 136-142.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2021.02.022

• 域外视野 • 上一篇    


Paul Bowman1著, 马秀杰2,3译   

  1. 1.卡迪夫大学新闻传播与文化学院,威尔士 卡迪夫 CF10 3NB;
    2.成都体育学院 中华国术院,四川 成都 610041;
    3.成都体育学院 武术学院,四川 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-26 修回日期:2020-12-25 出版日期:2021-03-15 发布日期:2021-03-26
  • 通讯作者: 马秀杰,博士,副教授,研究方向:武术文化传承与发展、武术文化跨文化传播。E-mail:ma.xiujie@outlook.com。
  • 作者简介:Paul Bowman,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:文化学与武术学。E-mail:BowmanP@cardiff.ac.uk。
  • 基金资助:

The Invention of Authenticity in Traditional Asian Martial Arts

Paul Bowman1, Ma Xiujie2,3   

  1. 1. School of Journalism, Media and Culture,Cardiff University,Cardiff CF10 1FS ,UK;
    2. Chinese National Arts College, Chengdu sport University, Chengdu Sichuan 610041;
    3. School of Martial Arts, Chengdu sport University, Chengdu Sichuan 61004
  • Received:2020-10-26 Revised:2020-12-25 Online:2021-03-15 Published:2021-03-26

摘要: 文章通过对亚洲传统武术“正宗性”的审视,探寻亚洲传统武术的“正宗性”与“非正宗性”的二元论在西方人意象中的这一现状,分析西方人对亚洲传统武术“正宗性”的渴望以及亚洲在传承过程中“正宗性”流变的必然性等问题。与此同时,研究运用德里达解构主义从微观本体论的角度提出了“亚洲传统武术在传承过程中的改变是不可避免的”这一论述。为进一步证实此观点,以太极拳为案例研究讨论了改变的形式、改变的内容,以及传统太极拳在西方的表现特点。文章意在呼吁全世界的武术学者与传承者传播正确的知识,而不是过度地追求“发明”的“正宗性”。

关键词: 亚洲传统武术, 正宗性, 东方主义, 传统太极拳, 解构主义

Abstract: This paper explores the existing dualism of "authenticity" and "non-authenticity" in traditional Asian martial arts in the Western imagery. By examining of the concept of "authenticity" it analyzes the desire for authenticity of traditional Asian martial arts. In the process of deconstruction of the micro-ontology of "change" in general, and "change" in traditional Asian martial arts in particular, it shows that all change is inevitable. This thesis is supported by a discussion of the forms of change, the contents of change, and a case study of the developments in traditional Chinese Taijiquan in the West. In conclusion, this paper calls for scholars and researchers to acknowledge the existence of these factors in order to spread better knowledge.

Key words: Asian traditional martial arts, authenticity, Orientalism, Traditional Tai Chi, Deconstruction


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