ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 111-119.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.06.019

• 运动人体科学 • 上一篇    下一篇


王会会1,2, 纪仲秋1, 张子华1, 庞博1, 张长思1   

  1. 1. 北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京 100875
    2. 遵义医科大学 体育学院,贵州 遵义 563000
  • 收稿日期:2019-04-08 出版日期:2019-11-15 发布日期:2019-12-25
  • 作者简介:王会会,博士,讲师,研究方向:运动生物力学。E-mail:15101579368@163.com。

Biomechanical Characteristics of Lower Limbs in 24-formTaichi Movement

WANG Huihui1,2, JI Zhognqiu1, ZHANG Zihua1, PANG Bo1, ZHANG Changsi1   

  1. 1. College of P.E and Sports, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
    2. School of Physical Education, Zunyi Medical University, Zunyi Guizhou 563000
  • Received:2019-04-08 Online:2019-11-15 Published:2019-12-25

摘要: 目的:运用AnyBody仿真软件计算24式太极拳行进间典型动作(野马分鬃、倒卷肱、云手)中的下肢运动学、动力学和肌肉用力特征,分析不同水平24式太极拳练习者下肢生物力学特点。对象:招募普通太极拳课程练习者和专业者,分别进入普通组(N=16)和专业组(N=14)。普通组为参加16周太极拳课程学习的大学生,专业组为体育学院太极拳专项的大学生(练习时间在3年以上)。方法:应用BTS三维运动捕捉系统、三维测力台和表面肌电测试系统同步采集了两组太极拳典型动作野马分鬃、倒卷肱和云手原始数据。结合AnyBody人体建模仿真软件计算三种动作过程中膝关节垂直轴方向受力峰值时刻的下肢运动学、动力学以及下肢肌肉力。结果:在野马分鬃、云手、倒卷肱动作中,专业组踝关节角度,髋关节外展角度明显小于普通组(P<0.05),髋关节旋转角度明显大于普通组(P<0.01);专业组三关节在矢状轴方向上的受力明显高于普通组(P<0.05),髋关节在额状轴、垂直轴方向上的受力明显小于普通组(P<0.01)。普通组髋关节及大腿周围的大肌群肌肉用力较小,小腿肌肉、髋关节及大腿周围的小肌群肌肉用力较大(P<0.05);不同水平太极拳练习者对下肢肌肉的激活程度不同。结论与建议:太极拳练习过程中,膝关节在垂直轴方向上受力的峰值时刻,专业太极拳练习者髋关节会表现出较大的髋关节旋转角度,较大的踝关节屈曲角度;较大的矢状轴方向上受力,较小的额状轴和冠状轴方向上的受力。初学者在太极拳练习过程中应注意躯干的旋转,控制髋关节内收、外展的角度,在练习中应感受髋关节及躯干周围大肌群肌肉用力,进而促进太极拳练习过程中姿势的控制能力。

关键词: 运动生物力学, AnyBody人体运动仿真, 24式太极拳

Abstract: AnyBody simulation software was used to calculate the kinematics, dynamics and muscle strength of lower limbs of 24-form Taichi (TC) movements (wild horse split bristle, repulse monkey, cloud hand) during march. The biomechanical characteristics of lower limbs of 24-form Taijiquan practitioners at different levels were analyzed. Subjects: A total of 30 subjects were selected and divided into two groups. One group (16 Men) was college students who participated in University courses, which was defined as the experiment group. The other group (14 men) came from College of physical education and sports and major TC, practised TC over a long time (3 years or more), which was defined as the professional group. Methods: BTS three-dimensional motion capture system, three-dimensional force plate and surface electromyography test system were used to synchronously collect the data of Parting the wild horse's mane, Repulse monkey, Cloud hands. AnyBody human body modeling and simulation system (AMS) was used to calculate and analyze the kinematics, dynamics and muscle stress of lower limbs at the peak moment of knee joint force during the three movements. Results: At the peak force in the vertical axis direction of knee joint, In the movement of Parting the wild horse's mane, Repulse monkey and Cloud hands, the angle of ankle flexion, hip adduction and abduction in the professional group were significantly lower than those in the general group (P < 0.05), and the angle of hip rotation was significantly higher than that in the general group (P < 0.01). The stress of the three joints in the sagittal axis direction in the professional group was significantly higher than that in the general group (P < 0.05), and the stress of the hip joint in the frontal and vertical axis direction was significantly lower than that in the professional group (P < 0.01). major muscle groups around the hip joint and thigh exerted less strength, while the muscles around the leg, hip joint and thigh exerted more strength (P<0.01). Conclusions and suggestions: the experiment group showed a larger ankle flexion angle and a smaller rotation and abduction angle; a smaller force in the sagittal axis direction and a greater force in the frontal axis direction; major muscle groups around the hip joint and thigh exerted less strength, while the muscles around the leg, hip joint and thigh exerted more strength. Beginners should pay attention to the rotation of the trunk and control the angle of hip joint adduction and abduction in the process of Taijiquan exercise. Beginners should persist in long-term Taijiquan exercise and feel the muscle strength of the major muscles around the hip joint and trunk during the exercise, so as to promote the control ability of posture in the process of Taijiquan exercise.

Key words: Sports Biomechanics, AnyBody simulation software, 24-form Taichi


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