ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 122-126.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.03.022

• 运动人体科学 • 上一篇    


侯希贺1, 王人卫2, 吴卫兵3, 李合2, 3, 盛泽田4   

  1. 1.上海体育学院附属竞技体育学校,上海 200438;
    2.上海体育学院运科学院,上海 200438;
    3.上海师范大学体育学院,上海 200234;
    4.安徽省体育局,安徽 合肥 230001
  • 收稿日期:2015-10-12 修回日期:2016-04-12 出版日期:2016-05-15 发布日期:2016-05-27
  • 通讯作者: 李合。
  • 作者简介:侯希贺,硕士,研究方向:运动防护,E-mail:houxihe@126.com。
  • 基金资助:

The Greco-Roman Wrestling Athletes’ Heat Adjustment in Hot and Humid Environment and the Effect of Rehydration

HOU Xihe1,WANG Renwei2,WU Weibing3,LI He2,3,SHENG Zetian4   

  1. 1. Department of Competitive Sports, Shanghai University of Sports, Shanghai 200438;
    2. Department of Kinesiology, Shanghai University of Sports, Shanghai 200438;
    3. Department of PE, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234;
    4. Anhui Provincial Sports Administration, Hefei ANhui 230001
  • Received:2015-10-12 Revised:2016-04-12 Online:2016-05-15 Published:2016-05-27

摘要: 目的:探讨高水平古典式摔跤运动员在高温高湿环境下运动的身体热调节反应以及补液干预对热调节的影响。方法:研究对象为8名男性高水平古典式摔跤运动员,运动员年龄16.1±2.3岁,最大摄氧量44.5±7.2ml/kg/min,训练年限3.8±1.7年。分别在常温常湿、高温高湿和高温高湿补液三种条件下进行运动,每一种条件试验间隔时间为10天,运动的强度都为70% VO2max。且在每次试验前后测试核心温度,试验过程中测试血乳酸、心率,试验后收集汗液测试电解质。结果:(1)高温高湿环境下运动员机体核心体温、血乳酸、心率、汗液离子浓度均显著高于常温常湿环境,运动持续时间显著低于常温常湿环境;(2)在高温高湿环境下通过补液,运动员机体核心体温、血乳酸、心率、离子浓度均显著下降,运动持续时间显著升高。结论:高温高湿环境下,运动员的核心体温、血乳酸、心率等升高明显,汗液离子丢失明显,运动持续时间较短,运动能力受到较大影响。补液对减少高温高湿环境汗液离子丢失、维持运动能力具有较好的作用。

关键词: 高温高湿环境, 古典式摔跤运动员, 运动, 热调节, 补液

Abstract: Objective: To investigate Greco-roman wrestling athletes’ heat adjustment in hot and humid environment and the effect of rehydration. Methods: 8 wrestling athletes, aged 16.1±2.3, having VO2max of 44.5ml/kg/min and trained for 3.8±1.7 years, were chosen as subjects. The subjects were arranged to do exercises respectively in environment of normal temperature and humidity, in hot and humid environment and in hot and humid environment with rehydration. The interval between every two exercise processes was 10 days and the exercise intensity was 70%VO2max. Athletes’ core body temperature was tested before and after every experiment, and their blood lactic acid and heart rate were tested during the experiments, and their sweat was collected for the test of sweat electrolytes before and after every experiment. Results: (1) In hot and humid environment, athletes’ core body temperature, blood lactic acid, heart rate and sweat ion density were all significantly higher than in environment of normal temperature and humidity, while athletes’ exercise duration becomes much shorter; (2) In hot and humid environment, rehydration can dramatically lower athletes’ core body temperature, while increase athletes’ exercise duration. Conclusion: hot and humid environment can generate a significant influence on athletes’ exercise ability. Their core body temperature, blood lactic acid, heart rate increase significantly, their sweat ion loss is obvious, and their exercise duration becomes shorter. rehydration has a positive role in reducing the loss of sweat ion and maintaining exercise ability.

Key words: Hot and Humid Environment, Greco-Roman Wrestling Athlete, Exercise, Heat Adjustment, Rehydration


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