ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

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    15 January 2017, Volume 43 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    The Role and the Trend of Sports in the Construction of Healthy China (Pen Conversation)
    2017, 43 (1):  1-1.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.001
    Abstract ( 3780 )   PDF (1242KB) ( 2354 )   Save
    The party clearlyput forwardfor the first time in the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee to promote the construction of Healthy China. General secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech in the National Health Conference in 2016, pointing out the direction for the comprehensive construction of Healthy China. On the road to Healthy China, what role sports can play in the new era what position it holds and where it will go To this end, the journal invited the teams led respectively by Professor Professor Liu Qing of Chengdu Sport University to discuss the mission and responsibility that people in the sports field should shoulder from the 3 perspectives of how sports colleges (departments) can serve the Healthy China program, how the coordinated development of sports industry will promote the concerted construction and benefit sharing of the Healthy China program, and how the combination of sports and medicine will promote the implementation of the Healthy China strategy. We hope their opinions can invite wider attention and discussion.
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    Serving the Healthy China Construction: Development Path of Higher Sports Colleges (Departments)
    LIU Qing, ZHAO Yuanji, LIU Zhili, LI Dehua
    2017, 43 (1):  2-2. 
    Abstract ( 1465 )   PDF (1158KB) ( 1789 )   Save
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    Co-construction and Sharing: Thinking onPromoting the CoordinatedDevelopmentof the Sports Industry
    GUO Xinyan, CHEN Linhui
    2017, 43 (1):  3-4. 
    Abstract ( 1166 )   PDF (910KB) ( 2273 )   Save
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    Combination of Sports and Medicine: Important Ways to Construct Healthy China
    LIAO Yuanpeng, WANG Yu, HU Yushi, SUN Junzhi
    2017, 43 (1):  5-7. 
    Abstract ( 1269 )   PDF (929KB) ( 2416 )   Save
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    Role Orientation of Leisure Sports Development in the Process of Building a Well-off Society in an All Round Way
    CHEN Dexu, PENG Guoqiang
    2017, 43 (1):  8-13.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.002
    Abstract ( 1809 )   PDF (1224KB) ( 2437 )   Save
    Overall well-off society has experienced the stages of proposal, overall construction and completion, it is the prerequisite for the development of leisure sports and the two are closely related. In the process of building a well-off society, leisure sports is facing the challenges that people don’t know how to spend their leisure time, residents income can’t adequately support their leisure activities, diseases caused by unhealthy life style are commonplace, interpersonal relationship is weak, and ecological environment is damaged. However, these challenges also opportunities for the development of leisure sports. Therefore, the role of leisure sports should be positioned as: a way of stimulating sports consumption and the new engine of spurring economic growth; the stabilizer of strengthening social governance and enhancing political civilization; the power source of improving population quality and promoting the healthy development; new means of changing lifestyle and undertaking fitness strategy as well as the promoter of urban and rural planning and ecological civilization construction.
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    Chinese Investors’ M&A of Overseas Clubs: Motivation, Risk and Risk Aversion
    YU Mingquan, LIU Lei
    2017, 43 (1):  14-18.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.003
    Abstract ( 1342 )   PDF (1210KB) ( 1621 )   Save
    Chinese capital M&A of overseas well-known football clubs has become a common practice. This article summarizes through literature review and logical inference the reasons for the practice, which include both internal and external ones. The internal reasons include increasingly favorable domestic football policies, serious capital cluster and industrial upgrading needs;the external reasons include depression of football economy and depreciation of football club values, etc. When undertaking M&A of overseas football clubs, Chinese investors should seek points of alignment from differences in culture, policy, and management and fully grasp the characteristics of football industry so as to work out decisions in scientific way; respect foreign clubs opinions and give full play to the effect of sino-foreign coordinated management; speed up the internationalization process to reduce the risk of M&A.
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    Study on the Effects of Self-Congruity and Functional Congruity on Customer Repurchase Intention for Sports Goods
    YANG Yan, LI Rongri
    2017, 43 (1):  19-24.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.004
    Abstract ( 1502 )   PDF (1301KB) ( 2212 )   Save
    Based on the instrumental-symbolic framework, this paper divides the factors influencing repurchase behavior of sports brand goods into self-congruity and functional congruity, and constructs a correlation model between repurchase intention and self-congruity, functional congruity, and brand relation quality. Structural equation modeling is used to test the model. The results show that both self-congruity and functional congruity have positive influence on repurchase behavior of sports goods; self-congruity has a significant positive influence on functional congruity;brand relation quality play a partial mediating role between self-congruity and brand repurchase behavior, and between functional congruity and brand repurchase behavior. The results improve and enrich the sports goods repurchase theory, and provide effective guidance for sports goods marketing direction.
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    The Limit and Transformation of Sports Rights Research
    ZHANG Jian
    2017, 43 (1):  25-30.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.005
    Abstract ( 1405 )   PDF (1218KB) ( 1673 )   Save
    Objective: As a concept of sports law, sports rights have boosted the research of sports law. However, the expounding on the theory of sports rights is not sufficient, and the theory still faces the obstacles of cognition and implementation. The theory of sports rights should give up the emptiness of pan-moralism, and replace the rights discourse with the operational practical norms. Based on the situation of China, we should insist on the attitude of legal realism when strengthening the localized research. And strengthening the study of laws in other fields is the feasible path for the study of sports law.
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    Special Effect of International Sports Arbitration Verdict: a CAS Arbitration Power Perspective
    ZHANG Wenwen, WU Yihua
    2017, 43 (1):  31-36.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.006
    Abstract ( 916 )   PDF (1232KB) ( 1925 )   Save
    Different from general commercial arbitration power, the arbitration power of CAS has the attribute of social judicial power. In view of this, CAS uses the case law principle in the common law system and possesses the judicial power of law-making. The arbitration verdicts by CAS are final and enforceable as general commercial arbitration verdicts, and they even have the special effect of case law, setting precedents for similar international sports disputes. The contents of case laws by CAS include three types: the creative laws, the explanatory laws, and the complementary laws, which are an important source of international sports laws. The precedents set by CAS play a positive role in explaining international sports laws, guiding the arbitration of law cases, and advancing rules for new international sports verdicts. However, the CAS case law cannot replace the statute law, and should be used as a supplement to the statue law.
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    Research on the System Construction of Chinese Government Purchase of Public Sports Services ──Base on the Analysis Perspective of Sociological Institutionalism
    SHEN Keyin, LV Wangang
    2017, 43 (1):  37-42.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.007
    Abstract ( 1348 )   PDF (1207KB) ( 1760 )   Save
    Government purchase of public services is a system arrangement to change government function, and has gradually expanded to the field of public sports services. Practices at home and abroad have proved that government purchase of public sports services is significant to optimize allocation of sports resources, cultivate sports social organizations and improve government’s efficiency of operations. Base on the analysis perspective of sociological institutionalism, the paper discusses the system construction of Chinese government purchase of public sports services by analyzing the institutional factors influencing government purchase of public sports services from the 3 aspects of regulation, standardization and culture-cognition, and puts forward the strategies of strengthening government management innovation, perfecting relevant laws and regulations, clarifying the process of government purchase, improving the system of evaluation and supervision, and improving the ability of sports social organizations to participate to tackle the existing problems including imperfect legal system, shortage of institutional supply, unthorough implementation of policy, lack of evaluation and supervision mechanism, limited development of social organization.
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    Study on the Mimic Production Mode of Sports Stars in Consumer Society
    LI Chunyang
    2017, 43 (1):  43-49.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.008
    Abstract ( 1214 )   PDF (1322KB) ( 1726 )   Save
    Taking the consumer society as the research background, the present paper aims to identify the production mode of sports stars in the consumer society so as to provide reference for optimizing sports stars production in China. Study suggests that implosion is the starting point and basis of sports stars production; symbolization is a key link in the production process; commercialization is the goal of production. The mimic production mode of sports stars can be divided into the inner, middle, and outer layers, which are inter- and intra- related by passing capital, the image right of sports stars as well as the symbolic meaning and content of text. The study holds that sports audience participates and changes the mimic environment and becomes an important force in the symbolization of sports stars in the new media era. Sports stars are products of the joint effort of media, sports organization, sports sponsors and consumers. In order to upgrade sports star production in China, we need to create diversified and high quality sports star images, follow the trend of sports star marketization and improve national media quality.
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    Research on Communication of Sports Games through Portal Websites
    JIN Qiulong, LI Fang
    2017, 43 (1):  50-54.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.009
    Abstract ( 1588 )   PDF (1208KB) ( 1647 )   Save
    Using content analysis and other methods, the present paper takes the communication of 2016 Rio Olympic Games on NetEase news client as a case study to analyze the features and dilemmas that portal website news clients have in their communication of major sports events. Analysis of indicators including communication subject, communication content, user’s experience and communication technologies, etc. reveals that the dilemmas include: News checks are complex and it is difficult to control, copyright monopoly limits their development; homogenization of brands causes fuzziness of brands and information pollution intrudes addressees; homogenization of contents, fake personalized information cocoons and technical weaknesses affect users’ experience and communication through moving scene. The author proposes the development strategies of 4 levels: using multiple controls to guide public opinions and using self-made live broadcasts to attract fans; designing unique programs through creative thinking and achieving precision communication through star effect; the implementation of copyright distribution to make a shorter video; looking for survival characteristic; highlighting individuality by changing communication logic, broadening horizons by breaking information cocoons, using the VR technologies for the first time and looking forward to scene intelligence.
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    The Historical Evolution and Development of the Danish Gymnastics from the late 18th century to the early 20th century
    WANG Heng, XUE Jing
    2017, 43 (1):  55-62.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.010
    Abstract ( 1124 )   PDF (1268KB) ( 1696 )   Save
    Danish gymnastics was one of the three world gymnastics systems. From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the evolution, development and formation of Danish gymnastics have experienced tremendous changes. The gymnastics thoughts have also experienced conflict, fusion and inheritance in the gymnastics evolution process. The systematic study of Danish gymnastics historical evolution, development and gymnastics thoughts shows that the modern Danish gymnastics has experienced three stages-German gymnastics, Swedish gymnastics and Danish gymnastics. Gymnasts and their thoughts emerging at each stage have made important contributions to the development of Danish gymnastics and even the world gymnastics. The modern Danish historical evolution process is closely related to the rise of peasant class, enlightenment of Danish public, popular civilian culture, etc. The gymnastics has become one of the means for Danish to realize their national salvation, cultivate their ethnic identity, and achieve public enlightenment and renaissance. Meanwhile, the evolution and development of Danish gymnastics have indirectly promoted the democratization process in Denmark.
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    An Aesthetic Interpretation of Miscellaneous Quan Styles Embedded in Chinese Wushu Routines
    MA Wenyou
    2017, 43 (1):  63-67.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.011
    Abstract ( 959 )   PDF (1222KB) ( 1699 )   Save
    Using the methods of document data, comparative analysis, and expert interview, the present paper analyzes and elaborates from the perspective of aesthetic taste, need and style the feature that many Quan styles are embedded in Chinese Wushu routines.The author believes the fact that many Quan styles are embedded in Wushu routines can be attributed to the followings. On the one hand, many Quan founders integrated their emotion and wisdom into Wushu routines. They changed Wushu routines creatively according to their intelligence, intention and cognition. Therefor, Wushu routines are a reflection of Wushu founders’ artistic individuality and tastes. On the other hand, The many Quan styles embedded in Wushu routines satisfy the various aesthetic needs of inheritors and are the results of inheritors’ subjective choice and recreation. Furthermore, the diversity of aesthetic style in the design and inheritance of Wushu routines guarantees the continuation of various Quan styles in the process of Wushu routines’ evolution over time.
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    The War and Funeral Ritual of Martial Dance
    TAN Guangxin, ZENG Xiaosong, HAN Haijun
    2017, 43 (1):  68-74.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.012
    Abstract ( 1578 )   PDF (1272KB) ( 1952 )   Save
    Objective: On the basis of the theory of anthropology ritual, fieldwork carried out in the region of the upper reaches of the Minjiang River Blackwater Tibetan, Qiang armor dance. The study suggests that the Qiang soldiers expedition ceremony and after the funeral ritual will jump called "Hari" and "Roxy Bocanegra" loricae dance Hari to the tune of passionate powerful, the contents of which are encourage Samurai fighting bravely, return in triumph, and Alexis Guerra" voice was low, reflecting the yearning and blessing to die on the Battlefield Heroes. The Jiarong Tibetan Heishui county will also in the heroes battle dressed leather armour, jump Tibetan called "Castro darwen" armor. Armor dance ghetto popular in Aba Tibetan and Qiang, the heroic belligerent and faithful long-term national war tradition. "Loricae dance" in addition to the basic function of the has a song and dance and its social function is also reflected in the ritual and sacred symbols, martial spirit and social integration, borrow martial dance ritual, and form an emotional catharsis. Under the impact of the trend of modernization, the inheritance of Tibetan and Qiang loricae dance facing severe challenges, based on participatory development methods for its protection is imminent, the national characteristics of the preservation plays an important role in the development of multicultural.
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    The Power Politics and Carnival Spirit of Folk Wushu in Folklore Life ——A Case Study of the Qingyang Temple Gold Medal Tournament from the Perspective of Historical Anthropology
    GONG Maofu
    2017, 43 (1):  75-80.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.013
    Abstract ( 1224 )   PDF (1226KB) ( 1690 )   Save
    In order to reveal the cultural nature and evolution logic of folk Wushu-the basis of Chinese Wushu, understand the interaction and integration of folk Wushu and folk life, and explore the creative transformation path of Wushu cultural resources, the present paper takes the ‘Gold Medal Tournament’ in the Qingyang Temple in Chengdu as an example to investigate and analyze through the method of literature review the power politics and carnival spirit of folk Wushu from the perspective of historical anthropology. The study shows that the amalgamation of folk Wushu and folklore has a long history and is commonplace. The amalgamation not only enriches folklife, but also becomes a component of folklife. In the Gold Medal Tournament, people of different interest groups practiced their power politics. By way of folklife, the ‘Gold Medal Tournament’ narrates itself as part of daily life, and shapes the carnival spirit of Wushu by "letting out people’s desires, transcending ‘daily necessities’", "breaking orders and creating new life", and "challenging traditional norms and subverting old customs". This reveals the social-historical transformation and carnival spirit of Wushu. In view of the fundamental role that folk Wushu plays in daily life, the paper points out that folk Wushu should be paid due attention and reflected on in the modernization of Wushu and the creative transformation of Chinese culture.
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    Neuromuscular and Mechanical Changes of Lower Limbs in Football Players During Repeated Sprint Test
    DING Jianqiao
    2017, 43 (1):  81-87.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.014
    Abstract ( 1504 )   PDF (1292KB) ( 1872 )   Save

    Objectives: To observe neuromuscular and mechanical changes of lower limbs in football players during repeated sprint test . Methods: 10 professional football players participated in this study, performing repeated 6 × 35 m sprint with 10s intervals. The players wore their football shoes and received the test on an artificial turf. The mechanics of lower limbs and surface electromyography (sEMG) RMS of vastus lateralis (VL), rectus femoris (RF), and biceps femoris (BF) were tested by plantar pressure system and sEMG equipment respectively. And the blood lactate, heart rate, and rate of perceived effort (RPE) after 6 repeated sprints were measured too. Results: blood lactate, heart rate, RPE, and fatigue index was 11.2 ± 2.2 mmol/L, 170.6 ± 5.3 beats/min, 16.5 ± 1.2, and 38.4 ± 4.6 % respectively after 6 repeated sprints. Kinematic data indicated that sprint time and contact time in the final sprint increased by 28.2% and 10.7%(P<0.05 as compared to the first sprint. However, the flight time presented no significant change. The stride frequency and vertical stiffness of lower limbs declined by -8.4%(P<0.05)and -33.1% (P<0.01). The RMS of RF, BF, and VL declined by -12.3%(P<0.01), -19.6%(P<0.01),and -7.1%(P>0.05)respectively. The RMS of RF and BF and sprint time presented significant negative relationship (r=-0.89 and r=-0.98, P<0.05). Conclusion: repeated anaerobic sprint leads to substantial change of stride mechanics and neuromuscular control abilities. The results also confirm the relationship between repeated anaerobic sprint abilities and neuromuscular activation level.

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    Research on the Development of World Men’s Volleyball Championships
    LIU Lihong, GE Chunlin, SUN Ping, WANG Qingmei , MENG Fansu
    2017, 43 (1):  88-93.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.015
    Abstract ( 933 )   PDF (1590KB) ( 1720 )   Save
    Using the methods of literature review, mathematical statistics, expert interviews, the present paper conducts a study of men’s Volleyball World Championship competition pattern and development characteristics. The findings reveal that in terms of the whole competition pattern of the continents: Europe’s monopoly on medals has been broken and the situation that Europe, South America, Central and North America compete for top position has formed, while Europe still accounts for the vast majority of the medals; in terms of overall competition pattern: most of the traditional powers are still strong, but competition is becoming fiercer; the strength of Iran, Germany, Serbia, and Argentina had been on the rise. in recent years, and their gap with the traditional strong teams has remarkably narrowed; the strength of Holland, Japan, Korea, and China has comparatively declined; the development characteristics of Volleyball World Championships: World Championship tournament has been improving constantly, but still has some shortcomings; number of teams participating the championships has increased dramatically and competition is becoming increasingly fiercer; technology tends to be comprehensive, various tactics are mutually blended, physical strength have heights, speed and strength are stressed; high-techs are constantly applied; world famous men’s volleyball athlete Kiraly.
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    A Study on the Relationship Between the Development Characteristics of EEG and Speed Competence in Adolescents
    WANG Jun, MA Lan, LI Enjing, ZHOU Yue, LIU Daqing
    2017, 43 (1):  94-99.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.016
    Abstract ( 1172 )   PDF (1250KB) ( 1620 )   Save
    Objective: Electroencephalogram (EEG) mainly reflects the growth of the central nervous system which is the physiological basis of speed competence. The paper aims to study the development characteristics of adolescents’EEGwith their age increasing and the relationships between the characteristics and speed competence so as to find possible methods to predict speed through EEG characteristics. Methods: 620 students aged 6-16 in Sichuan, China were chosen to participate in the study. Their EEG when they were in quiet awaken state with their eyes closed was collected with Nation 9128W digital electroencephalograph for analysis of absolute and relative powerof each lead. Their 50-meterspeed was measured at the same time. Results: 1. The relative power of EEG presented significant difference in adolescents aged 6-16. With the increase in age, the relative power of δ wave, θ wave and α1 wave decreased, while the relative power of α2 and βwave increased. α2 wave sncreases rapidly during the period of 6-11 years old and 13-15 years old. 2. Males’ speed competence increase occurres during the period of 6-15 years old, while females’ during the period of 6-12; males’ sensitive period of speed is from 6 to 10 years old and from 12 to 14 years old, while females’ from 6 to 9 years old. 3. The correlation coefficient betweenα2% and 50-metre speed in high speed competence children is -0.64, and the correlation coefficientbetween 50 -metre speed and θ/βratio is 0.71.Conclusion: Children’s brain growthpresents obvious correlative features to age periods and has fast growth period. The best period for speed competence development occurres from 6 to 10 years old.The relative power of α2 wave andθ/βratio are an referential indicator for children’s speed competence development.
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    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Competitive State and Competition Performance ——Based on the English Premier League Football Team Data
    GOU Ming
    2017, 43 (1):  100-106.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.017
    Abstract ( 1179 )   PDF (1766KB) ( 1757 )   Save
    By way of mathematical statistics and logical reasoning, the paper makes an empirical study of the relationship between competitive state and competition performance, trying to find out the factors influencing team competitive state. The results show that the premier league football teams’ competitive state stability and their rankings in the league has high linear correlation. The smaller the standard deviation is, the less the number of low tides is, the smaller the number of teams’ matches in low tide is; Teams of champion level is significantly different from strong teams in competitive state stability, and the competition state stability of champion teams is obviously better than that of strong teams. The study provides a practical reference for coaches to adjust the competitive state of their football teams and to make reasonable arrangement for training and competition.
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    Clinical Observation of Core Stability of Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain Before and After Rehabilitation Training
    WANG Minjia
    2017, 43 (1):  107-112.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.018
    Abstract ( 1212 )   PDF (1315KB) ( 1570 )   Save
    Objective: To run functional test on the core stability of patients with chronic low back pain and observe the change in the core stability by comparing the results before and after rehabilitation training so as to provide the data reference for core stability function analysis and evaluation of chronic low back pain (CLBP) rehabilitation effect .Methods: Recruit and screen 31 CLBP patients as the experimental group(CLBP group), including 16 male vs 15 female. Meanwhile, recruit 29 health persons without back pain as the control group (Non group). Test and record theY Balance test of both groups. Then implement a 6-week rehab plan for the CLBP group, and repeat a Y Balance test after 6 weeks. The Y Balance test has 10 parameters including A/Limb、PM/Limb、PL/Limb、SUM,COMPOSITE in both sides. Analysis and compare the difference between two groups and the difference before and after the rehab plan.Result: 1. Compare with Non group, the CLBP group shows an obvious difference of the PM/Limb、PL/Limb(P<0.05), the results of CLBP group are much lower than the Non group. 2. When analysis the difference inside the group, we found there is only one parameter (the left PM/Limb) shows obvious difference between two sides(P>0.05); Meanwhile, the CLBP group shows obvious differences in three parameters(PM/Limb、PL/Limb、COMPOSITE) of two sides(P<0.01or P<0.05).3. After 6-week rehab plan, the Y balance test result shows obvious improvement of the CLBP group(P<0.05); 4. 6 weeks later, the difference between two sides of CLBP group of PM/Limb及COMPOSITE disappear,the difference of PL/Limb still exist, but the value reduces a lot, reduces from 3.52% to1.36%.Conclusion: 1. The dynamic core stability of CLBP patients decreased significantly, especially the posterior direction. The result shows obvious bilateral imbalance. 2. 6 weeks training increases the dynamic core stability effectively and improves bilateral imbalance.
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    Endurance Training Induced Irisin Increase Inhibited FTO Expression of Fatty Tissue in Obese Rats
    WANG Manzhuo, SU Wen, LIU Yanhuan, MA Guodong
    2017, 43 (1):  113-119.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.019
    Abstract ( 1071 )   PDF (1463KB) ( 1486 )   Save
    Objective: To investigate the relationship between Irisinincduced by endurance training and FTO expression in fatty tissue in high fat diet-induced obese rats.Methods:Themale SDrats were randomly divided into control, high fat diet group, high fat diet plus exercise group and exercise group.Exercisewas performed on a treadmill, keeping 8.2 m/min at 0% grade corresponding to 53% of maximal oxygen uptake ,for 15,30 , 45 and 60 min for the first,second and third time.Thereafter,exercise intensity and duration were maintained until the end of the eighth week. The rats were exercised for 5 days a week.It analysised the body weight, fat mass, blood Irisin level, FNDC5 expression in skeletal muscle and expressions of FTO and UCP1 in fatty tissue after 8 week treadmill training. Results: High fat diet significantly induced body weight and fat mass increase, blood Irisin level decrease, FNDC5 expression decline in skeletal muscle and FTO expression increase and UCP1 expression decrease in fatty tissue in rats. Endurance training can markedly decrease high fat diet-induced body weight and fat mass increase, increase hight fat diet-induced blood Irisin level decline, promote high fat diet-induced FNDC5 down-regulated expression in skeletal muscle and reduce high fat diet-induced FTO up-regulated expression but increase down-regulated UCP1 expression in fatty tissue. Blood Irisin level was negatively correlated to FTOmRAN and protein significantly in fat tissue in high fat diet, high fat diet plus exercise and exercise groups. FNDC5mRNA and protein in skeletal muscle were markedly negatively correlated to FTOmRNA and protein in fatty tissue respectively in high fat diet group and high fat diet plus exercise group. FNDC5mRNA in skeletal muscle was negatively correlated to FTOmRNA but no significance, however, FNDC5 protein was markedly negatively correlated with FTO protein in exercise group.Conclusion: Endrance training may be induce Irisin release increase, which inhibit FTO expression and then enhance UCP1 expression in fatty tissuein rats.
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    History and Development of Muscle Glycogen Super-compensation Research
    CHEN Jin, HU Haixu
    2017, 43 (1):  120-126.  doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.01.020
    Abstract ( 1291 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 2178 )   Save
    Objective: Understanding the theory of muscle glycogen super-compensation and its application. Methods: This paper systematically reviewed and demonstrated from an intrascience history perspective the origin and research progress of muscle glycogen super-compensation. Results: It has been revealed and confirmed that long-term intensive exercise and reasonable diet play an important role in both promoting muscle glycogen super-compensation and providing references for sports training and competition. Conclusion: Muscle glycogen super-compensation can be used as one of the references for both adaptability to long-term mediate/high intensive endurance training and regulation of competition quality.
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