ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

Journal of Chengdu Sport University ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 116-121.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.03.021

• SPORT SCIENCE OF HUMAN BODY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of Acute Incremental Load Exercise on SOD activity and mRNA in Skeletal Muscle of Mice

WANG Ping1, LI Chunguang2, QI Zhengtang3,4, DING Shuzhe4   

  1. 1. School of Physical Education and Health,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 311121;
    2. National Institute of Complementary Medicine, University of Western Sydney, Penrith, New South Wales 2751, Australia;
    3.Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention Ministry of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241;
    4.School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241
  • Received:2015-09-24 Revised:2016-03-11 Online:2016-05-15 Published:2016-05-27

Abstract: Objective: To investigate the changes of the content of NO and activity of eNOS,the mRNA expression and the activity changes of MnSOD and CuZnSOD on acute incremental exercisein skeletal muscle of mice and explore the effects of antioxidant defense system. Methods: thirty male ICR mice were randomly divided into control group (C), 45min exercise group (E1, n=6), 90min exercise group (E2, n=6), 120min exercise group (E3, n=6) and 150min exercise group (E4, n= 6). Mice in exercise groups were trained through treadmill exercise (0°grade, 5m/min, 5min/day) for 3 days. After adaptation, mice in exercise groups underwent treadmill exercise to the corresponding time set up. Exercise patterns are as follows: First, 8.2m/min, 0 grade, 15min; second, 15m/min, 5% grade, 15min; third, 19.3m/min,10% grade. At the end of exercise, all mice were killed and their gastrocnemius muscle were obtained. Left one was used as mitochondria extraction, right one was measured by Real-time PCR. Results: (1) Compared with control group,NO content significantly increased after 45min exercise (P<0.05), 90min((P<0.01)), 120min and 150min (P<0.05) and reached the peak at 90 min. eNOS activity significantly increased after 45min exercise (P<0.05), 90min(P<0.01), 120min (P<0.05) and reached the peak at 90min.But the eNOS activity didn’t increase in 150min group significantly (P<0.05);(2) MnSOD activity was significantly increased after 45min exercise (P<0.05), 90min, 120min and 150min (P<0.01) and reached the peak at 120min.But the CuZnSOD activity didn’t increase in all exercise groups significantly (P<0.05); (3) Compared with control group, MnSOD mRNA significantly increased after 45min exercise (P<0.05), 90min, 120min and 150min (P<0.01) and reached the peak at 150min.But the CuZnSOD mRNA didn’t increase in all exercise groups significantly (P<0.05).Conclusion: MnSOD is the key SOD enzyme in response to the acute incremental exercise, which forms a protective cycling mechanism in acuteskeletal muscle exercise.

Key words: Acute Incremental Exercise, Skeletal Muscle, NO, eNOS, MnSOD, CuZnSOD

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