ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 8-15.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.03.002

• 特稿 • 上一篇    下一篇


王 晋1,石 岩2   

  1. 1.肯尼索州立大学健康促进与体育系,美国 佐治亚30144;
    2.山西大学体育学院,山西 太原030006
  • 收稿日期:2017-02-13 出版日期:2017-05-25 发布日期:2017-05-25
  • 作者简介:WANG Jin, Ph. D., Professor, Research interests: sport psychology and motor skill learning, E-mail: jwang@kennesaw.edu

Athletes’ Mental Preparation Based on Classification of Motor Skills

WANG Jin1,SHI Yan2   

  1. 1.Department of Health Promotion and Physical Education, Kennesaw State University, GA 30144, USA;
    2. School of Physical Education, Shanxi University, Taiyuan Shanxi 030006
  • Received:2017-02-13 Online:2017-05-25 Published:2017-05-25

摘要: 运动技能对运动员赛场发挥及优异表现具有决定性作用,在运动训练和体育教学实践中也是核心要素。虽然长期以来对运动技能有多种不同的分类方式,但所有运动技能大体上可以分为开放式和封闭式运动技能。基于此,本文主要论述三个问题:(1)解释开放式和封闭式运动技能各自的特征;(2)论述开放式和封闭式运动技能的训练要点;(3)根据两种不同技能分类,介绍心理准备的方法,使运动员在比赛中取得最佳成绩。    开放式运动技能要求运动员必须根据外界刺激做出快速决断,快速反应时间至关重要。运动员的动作应集中于结果而不是过程,因此,运动员可以自由选择任何形式的技能来完成特定任务。另外,开放式运动技能还应有很大的创造性和准确性。与此相反,封闭式运动技能允许运动员有相对充足的决策或判断时间,竞争环境稳定、可预测,且规则和评判运动技能的标准也是预定的。更为重要的是,封闭式运动技能强调技能的完美表现。开放式和封闭式运动技能的执行是通过两个不同的神经肌肉系统:闭环神经控制系统和开环神经控制系统。依据动作技能的不同特征和控制系统,在训练中应具有针对性。开放式运动技能应培养运动员快速决策能力,使运动员在执行运动技能时采取尽可能快的行动,同时,还应对技能的准确性进行重点训练。在科学的训练过程中,应使运动员拥有最大限度的技能贮备以应对竞赛中的不同状况。需要指出的是,开放式运动技能的训练或学习应强调结果而不是过程。封闭式运动技能的训练应强调在规则和技能标准的范畴内最大限度保证动作技能完成的准确性,在此基础之上进行重复训练,追求技能的完美表现。训练中还应重点对运动员的注意力进行强化。开放式运动技能的心理准备要点包括认知竞赛动态性的本质、了解敌我双方的优劣势、与队友在比赛中有效沟通、实施有效的激励策略、建立运动员自信。封闭式运动技能的心理准备要点包括动作执行之前进行充分的决策、认知运动技能的生物力学特征、根据运动技能的难易准确有效控制发力程度、运动技能表现应确保具有高度的一致性和准确性、充分重视运动技能之间的衔接和转换、高度集中注意力进而有效排除运动技能执行过程中的干扰因素。

关键词: 心理准备, 开放式运动技能, 封闭式运动技能, 运动员, 教练, 运动表现

Abstract: Motor skills can be classified into two categories, open and closed, and each of these types of motor skills has unique characteristics regarding their patterns, features, processes, and neuromuscular control systems that are utilized. Moreover, these two types of motor skills are also controlled by two different types of neuromuscular control systems. Thus, not only should athletes engage in technical training based on the classifications of motor skills, but also, such principles should be applied to psychological training as well. However, many coaches, athletes, and practitioners have not been well informed about the classification of motor skills. Thus, the purpose of this paper is three-fold:(1) describe the different characteristics of open and closed motor skills and their two different neuromuscular control systems, (2) illustrate the determined factors of achieving peak performances in open and closed motor skill sport competitions, and (3) introduce mental preparation strategies for reaching athletes’ potentials in competitions based on the classifications of motor skills. After learning the characteristics of open and closed motor skills, hopefully coaches, practitioners, and sport psychology consultants can mentally prepare athletes to enhance their athletic performances.

Key words: Mental Preparations, Open Motor Skill, Closed Motor Skill, Athletes, Coaches, Peak Performance


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