ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 54-59.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2017.02.010

• 体育史与体育文化 • 上一篇    下一篇

CBA “三外援”特殊政策的理性审视与改革优化


  1. 1.滨州学院体育学院,山东 滨州 256603;
    2.北京体育大学,北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2016-12-15 出版日期:2017-03-15 发布日期:2017-03-23
  • 作者简介:姚健,北京体育大学博士研究生,讲师,研究方向:篮球竞赛与管理,E-mail:yyjj9898@163.com。

Rational Review and Optimization of the Special Policy of “Using no More than Three Foreign Aids” in the CBA Tournament

YAO Jian1,2   

  1. 1.P.E.Department of Binzhou University, Binzhou Shandong 256603;
    2.Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084
  • Received:2016-12-15 Online:2017-03-15 Published:2017-03-23

摘要: 为贯彻国家关于“鼓励支持一部分品牌赛事大力发展”的战略部署,进一步完善CBA联赛竞赛制度,促进中国及全亚洲竞技篮球整体水平提高,运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、录像观察等方法对CBA联赛“三外援”特殊政策进行研究,结果表明:(1)“三外援”政策经历了禁止使用、平稳使用、减少使用三个阶段;(2)2015-2016赛季四川夺冠后“三外援”政策成为舆论质疑焦点,主要包括:限制国内球员、对传统强队和中游球队产生冲击、失去使用资格后成绩普遍下滑、培养了中国男篮亚洲赛场对手;(3)“三外援”政策理性审视结果:仅是排名提升的一个可能因素;是CBA联赛职业化重要体现;是弥补现阶段选秀制度失效的重要创新;涌现了多名国内明星球员;利于亚洲竞技篮球水平整体提高;是抢占亚洲市场的应然路径。(4)“三外援”政策改革应统筹好竞赛公平、内员培养、欧美外援、各俱乐部不同诉求等与亚洲外援的关系。研究建议:“三外援”政策常规赛和季后赛分类实施;调整亚洲外援上场节次;改革放弃亚洲外援资格使用球队的欧美外援使用办法;新入球队特殊执行;不再减少现有“三外援”球队数量。

关键词: CBA联赛, “三外援”政策, 亚洲外援, 竞赛平衡

Abstract: In order to carry out the state’s deployment of the strategy of “encouraging and supporting the development of certain brand sports events”, further improve the CBA tournament system, and promote the improvement of the overall level of Chinese and Asian competitive basketball, the present paper, using the methods of literature review, expert interviews, video observation and other methods, studied the policy of “using no more than three foreign aids in a team” in the CBA tournament, the findings show that: (1) the policy has underwent 3 stages from prohibition through appropriate use to reduction of use. (2) when Sichuan won the championship in the 2015-2016 season, the policy became a focus of questioning by public opinion, which includes: restriction of domestic players development; impacts on traditional strong teams and teams of middle level; once the teams lose the qualification of using foreign players, their performances will decline, which in turn support Chinese opponents in Asian competitions; (3) the policy is only a possible factor to promote the rankings of CBA teams; an important embodiment of the league professionalization; an important innovation to compensate the weakness of the rookie selection system at the present stage; helpful to the emergence of a number of star players; and conducive to the improvement of overall competitive level of basketball in Asia; an unnecessary approach to occupy the Asian market. (4) the reform of the policy should be conducted under the precondition that the relationship between competition fairness, internal players training, use of European and American players, the various needs of the clubs and foreign aids from Asia is well-coordinated. Research proposals: the policy should be applied to the regular season and the playoff respectively; adjusting the times of Asian foreign aids competing in courts; reforming the practice that teams turn to European and American aids when they give up the qualification of using Asian foreign aids; new teams should be treated differently; maintaining the number of teams using three foreign aids currently.

Key words: CBA league, the policy of using no more than three foreign aids, foreign aids from Asia, competitive balance


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