ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 37-43.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.06.00

• 竞走专项训练 • 上一篇    下一篇


敬 艳1,2,刘建国3,蒋纯金2,黄 鹂2,吴佳贤4,高 聪5   

  1. 1.北京体育大学研究生院,北京 100084;
    2.湖南工学院体育教学部,湖南 衡阳 421002;
    3.武汉体育学院田径教研室,武汉 430079;
    4.武汉音乐学院公共基础课部,武汉 430060;
    5.西安体育学院研究生部, 西安 710000
  • 收稿日期:2016-04-09 出版日期:2016-11-15 发布日期:2016-11-29
  • 作者简介:敬艳,北京体育大学在读博士研究生,研究方向:体育教育训练学;E-mail:15616677546@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on the Kinematic Features of Liu Hong’s Key Techniques for Race Walking

JING Yan1,2, LIU Jianguo3, JIANG Chunjin2, HUANG Li2, WU Jiaxian4, GAO Cong5   

  1. 1.Graduate School of Beijing sports university,Beijing 100084;
    2.Sports Department of Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang Hunan 421002;
    3.Teaching Research Sect of Track and Field,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan Hubei 430079;
    4. Public Basic Course Department of Wuhan Conservatory of Music,Wuhan Hubei 430060; 5.Graduate Department of Xi’an physical Education University, Xi’an Shanxi 710000
  • Received:2016-04-09 Online:2016-11-15 Published:2016-11-29

摘要: 运用文献资料法、三维定点摄像法、影像解析法等,以刘虹参加2016年全国竞走大奖赛暨奥运选拔赛20km比赛的技术特征为研究对象,对其技术的优缺点进行归纳总结,旨在为其里约奥运会技术改进提供参考。结果表明:总体来看刘虹技术的规范性、实效性特征较好。技术规范性特征具体表现为其腾空时限处于模糊腾空时限内,但是最后冲刺阶段由于提速导致腾空时限远超过临界值。头顶垂直位移稍偏大,摆动腿离地瞬间膝角偏小,垂直膝关节角度同样偏小,且重心移动速度越快,其膝角越小,易形成“跑”的动作表象。着地技术符合裁判员判罚的直腿标准,且垂直支撑阶段“反弓”动作明显。实效性特征表现为左、右步长均有提高,“小步高频”的中国技术风有较大改观;但仍存在左、右不均衡现象。两大腿夹角偏小,说明刘虹向前“送髋”的技术仍需改进。

关键词: 刘虹, 竞走, 关键技术, 运动学, 里约奥运会

Abstract: By way of literature review, three dimensional photography, video analysis, the present paper studies the technical features of Liu Hong’s 20km race walking in the 2016 National Race Walking Grand Prix and Olympic Qualification Competition in the hope of providing reference for athletes’ competition in the Rio Olympic Games. The results show that Liu Hong’s techniques are standard and effective on the whole. Her techniques have the following features: her flight time span is within the fuzzy time limit, while her flight time at the sprint stage is far over the threshold value as a result of accelerating. Her head’s vertical motion is large, and both her knee angle and vertical knee joint angle are small while her swing leg is off the ground. The faster her center of gravity moves, the smaller her knee angle is. This makes her walking look more like “running”. Her landing technique meets the straight leg standard, and her “reverse bow” act during the vertical supporting phase is obvious. The effectiveness of Liu Hong’s techniques is as following: both her left and right step distance increase, it greatly changes the traditional style of “small step and high frequency”;but the left-and-right imbalance remains unchanged. The angle between the thighs is small, indicating that Liu Hong’s technique for hip propulsion is yet to be improved.

Key words: Liu Hong, Race Walking, Key Techniques, Kinematics, The Rio Olympics


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