ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 6-9.

• 专题研究:两岸体育史与体育文化 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 树德科技大学,台湾 高雄 82445
  • 收稿日期:2014-09-05 出版日期:2014-10-20 发布日期:2014-10-31
  • 作者简介::王建台,男,台湾体育运动史学会理事长,树德科技大学教授。

Inheritance and Development of the Academic Culture of Taiwan's Sports Historiography

WANG Jian-tai   

  1. Shu-Te University,Taiwan 82445
  • Received:2014-09-05 Online:2014-10-20 Published:2014-10-31

摘要: :文章旨在于探讨台湾光复后迄今体育史学术研究的过去、现在及未来愿景。一方面,除让两岸体育史同好分享外;另一方面,盼启发台湾体育界对体育史学术研究的重视,并引领更多体育史学的研究者和爱好者,共同投入这“冷门”的学术领域。台湾体育史学自二次大战台湾光复后,发展至今虽已约七十载,但由于资源不足,学门(科)属性使然,纵然有部分前辈的努力及传承,但体育史学在体育学术研究的领域里,仍然处于相对的弱势与边陲。今后除持续自立自强外,台湾体育史学如何发挥影响力,唤醒政府或学校有权力者重视,并聘请师资开授课程,由边陲渐往中心位移,以及吸收更多年轻学子投入此行列,共同肩负起体育史文化的传承工作,是未来共同努力的目标,愿与所有关心体育史学术发展的海峡两岸体育史同好共勉之。

关键词: 台湾体育史, 体育文化, 体育学术研究

Abstract: The paper aims to explore Taiwan’s academic culture of sports history in terms of its past,present and future. It expects the counterparts on both sides to share resources with each other and to arouse the attention of Taiwan’s sports field to the academic research of sports history so as for more lovers and researchers to be engaged in this academic realm. All in all,about seventy years of development since the second World war has not witnessed desirable achievements duo to the lack of resources and the nature of the this subject regardless of some predecessors’ efforts. Except for its free-standing self-improvement style in the future,Taiwan's sports history research should take advantage of its influence and win the support of government and school authorities. It is also advisable to invite professionals to teach the concerning courses in order for the subject to move from a frontier one to a central one.

Key words: Taiwan sports historiography, sports culture, sports academic research


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