ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 65-72.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2019.04.011

• 体育教育训练学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 陕西师范大学体育学院,陕西 西安 710119
  • 出版日期:2019-07-15 发布日期:2019-08-06
  • 作者简介:曹卫华,副教授,博士,研究方向职业体育、足球理论与方法,E-mail:cweihua2004@163.com。

Visualization Analysis on Passing Technique of Spanish Tiki-Taka Tactics Based on Social Network Analysis Method

Cao Weihua   

  1. Shanxi Normal University ,Xi’an Shanxi 710119
  • Online:2019-07-15 Published:2019-08-06

摘要: 目的: 探讨西班牙Tiki-Taka战术打法的传控特征与规律。方法: 运用录相观察法、社会网络分析法,对西班牙队在2016欧洲杯、2014世界杯的传球数据进行可视化分析。结果: 西班牙队的整体传球网络由网络中心层、中间层与边缘层三个层次构成,传控核心主要由中后场球员组成;网络连线与粗细显示西班牙队传球形成固定的小群体;西班牙队传球网络密度、网络距离较优,球员之间传球联系紧密,传球频次较高,流畅度较好;局部网分析显示西班牙传球网络的核心-边缘结构较为合理,中后场左路、中前场右路是其传控核心区域;个体网分析显示西班牙队中心性较高的球员为前卫、后卫球员。结论: 极致传控是Tiki-Taka战术打法的核心理念,比赛强调对中场的控制力;中场与后场稳固的攻防体系为控制型打法提供有力支持;高水平的个人传控能力是Tiki-Taka战术打法的基础,高控球率是Tiki-Taka战术打法的显著表现,控球以中短传渗透为主,以精准的传球层层推进达成战术目的。

关键词: 社会网络分析, Tiki-Taka, 足球战术打法, 传球, 可视化

Abstract: Objective: To explore the characteristics and laws of Tiki-Taka tactics in Spain. Methods: Make visual analysis of the passing data of Spanish team in 2016 European Cup and 2014 World Cup by means of video observation and social network analysis. Results: The overall passing network of the Spanish team is composed of three circles: the network center, the middle and the edge. The core of the transmission and control is mainly composed of the middle and back field players; the network connection and the thickness show that the Spanish team passes the ball in a fixed small group. Having a higher network density and better network distance, the Spanish players can pass the ball more closely, frequently, and smoothly; the local network analysis shows that the core-edge structure of pass network is more reasonable, The left side of the middle-rear field and the right side of the middle-front field are the core areas of ball control; the separate network analysis shows that players with higher centrality in Spanish team are vanguards and backs. Conclusion: Intricate pass and control are the core idea of Tiki-Taka tactics, which stress the control of midfield. The stable offensive and defensive system in midfield and backfield provide strong support for the tactics; high- level personal pass and control are the basis of Tiki-Taka tactics, and high ball control rate is a remarkable characteristic of the tactics. Ball control features medium- and short-distance pass penetration, and the tactical purpose is achieved by circle-by-circle advancement.

Key words: social network analysis, Tiki-Taka, football tactical play, passing, visualization


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