ISSN 1001-9154 CN 51-1097/G8

成都体育学院学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (5): 40-46.doi: 10.15942/j.jcsu.2016.05.007

• 体育人文社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘欣然, 王媛, 夏沅敏   

  1. 江西师范大学体育学院,江西 南昌 330022
  • 收稿日期:2016-03-30 出版日期:2016-09-15 发布日期:2016-09-21
  • 作者简介:刘欣然,副教授,在读博士生,研究方向:体育哲学、历史与文化,E-mail:liuxinran@jxnu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Unity of Opposites: Interpretation of Meaning and Contradiction of Sports Subjectivity

LIU Xinran, WANG Yuan, XIA Yuanmin   

  1. Institute of Physical Education of Jiangxi Normal University, Jiangxi Nanchang 330022
  • Received:2016-03-30 Online:2016-09-15 Published:2016-09-21

摘要: 采用文献资料法,依据马克思主义实践唯物论的辩证思维观点,考察体育主体性的矛盾对立的辩证统一,审视体育与人主体存在之间的哲学关系。在体育主体性的内在品质中,体育的主体权利和责任,是作为人自然能力体现出的生命价值,体育是延缓身体退化、留存身体强健、拯救身体野性的实践诠释和意义显现。在体育主体性的对立统一中,自然性与社会性、个体性与群体性、内在性与外在性、能动性与受动性、竞争性和协作性、暴力性与规则性是随时可能出现的矛盾对立体,人性矛盾的内在张力在体育中完整呈现。体育让生命获得“完整的人”的生存意义,通过运动实践人的本质得到确认,体育成为人主体性自由且全面发展的实践形态。

关键词: 主体性, 体育, 人, 矛盾, 辩证, 意义

Abstract: Based on a review of relevant literature, the present paper examines the unity of opposites in sports subjectivity and the philosophical relationship between sports and the existence of human as the subject according to the dialectical thinking of Marxist practical materialism. In the inner quality of sports, the rights and responsibilities of the sports subject are the value of human life, which derives from human's natural ability. The practice and meaning of sport is to slow down the physical degradation, to keep physical health, and to save the body of the practice of the wild.The unity of opposites is showed completely in sports, and in sports subjectivity, the contradiction between nature and society, nature and society, individuality and mass, internal and external, activity and passivity, competition and cooperation, violence and rule may appear at any time. Sports enable life to survive as a"complete person", and the nature of human is confirmed through exercises. Sport is the practical form of human freedom and all-round development.

Key words: Subjectivity, Sports, Human, Contradiction, Dialectics, Significance


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